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CMS books in mathematics

CMS books in mathematics
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Titolo: CMS books in mathematics Visualizza cluster
Pubblicazione: Berlin [etc.], : Springer, : Canadian Mathematical Society
ISSN: 1613-5237
Altri titoli varianti: CMSBM
Ouvrages de mathématiques de la SMC
Titolo autorizzato: CMS books in mathematics  Visualizza cluster
Formato: Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Collezione
Lingua di pubblicazione: Non definito
Record Nr.: VAN00051245
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Localizzazioni e accesso elettronico
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Comprende: 17 lectures on fermat numbers : from number theory to geometry / Michal Krizek, Florian Luca, Lawrence Somer ; with a foreword by Alena Solcova New York . -Springer , 2001 XXIV, 257 p. . -ill. , 24 cm
mostra tutte
Applied impulsive mathematical models / Ivanka Stamova, Gani Stamov [Cham] . -Springer , 2016 XII, 318 p. , 24 cm Banach spaces of continuous functions as dual spaces / H. G. Dales ... [et al.] [Cham] . -Springer , 2016 XIV, 277 p. . -ill. , 24 cm Best approximation in inner product spaces / Frank Deutsch New York . -Springer , 2001 XV, 338 p. , 25 cm Computational excursions in analysis and number theory / Peter Borwein New York . -Springer , 2002 X, 220 p. , 24 cm Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces / Heinz H. Bauschke, Patrick L. Combettes 2. ed Cham . -Springer , 2017 xix, 619 p. . -ill. , 24 cm Convex analysis and nonlinear optimization : theory and examples / Jonathan M. Borwein, Adrian S. Lewis 2. ed New York . -Springer , 2006 XII, 310 p. , 24 cm Convex Functions and Their Applications : A Contemporary Approach / Constantin P. Niculescu, Lars-Erik Persson 2. ed Cham . -Springer , 2018 xvii, 415 p. . -ill. , 24 cm Counting and configurations : problems in combinatorics, arithmetic, and geometry / Jiri Herman, Radan Kucera, Jaromir Simsa ; translated by Karl Dilcher New York . -Springer , 2003 X, 392 p. . -ill. , 25 cm Cubic Fields with Geometry / Samuel A. Hambleton, Hugh C. Williams Cham . -Springer , 2018 xix, 493 p. . -ill. , 24 cm Differential geometry of varieties with degenerate Gauss maps / Maks A. Akivis, Vladislav V. Goldberg New York . -Springer , 2004 XXI, 255 p. . -ill. , 24 cm Dynamical Systems in Population Biology / Xiao-Qiang Zhao 2. ed Cham . -Springer , 2017 xv, 413 p. , 24 cm Equations and inequalities : elementary problems and theorems in algebra and number theory / Jiri Herman, Radan Kucera, Jaromir Simsa ; translated by Karl Dilcher New York . -Springer , 2000 X, 344 p. , 24 cm Functional analysis and infinite-dimensional geometry / Marian Fabian ... [et al.] New York . -Springer , 2001 IX, 451 p. , 24 cm An Introduction to Quantum and Vassiliev Knot Invariants / David M. Jackson, Iain Moffatt Cham . -Springer , 2019 xx, 422 p. . -ill. , 24 cm An introductory course in Lebesgue spaces / Rene Erlin Castillo, Humberto Rafeiro [Cham] . -Springer , 2016 XII, 461 p. . -ill. , 24 cm The Lattice of Subquasivarieties of a Locally Finite Quasivariety / Jennifer Hyndman, J. B. Nation Cham . -Springer , 2018 xv, 162 p. . -ill. , 24 cm Quiver representations / Ralf Schiffler Cham . -Springer , 2014 XI, 230 p. . -ill. , 24 cm Reflection groups and invariant theory / Richard Kane New York . -Springer , 2001 IX, 379 p. , 24 cm Techniques of variational analysis / Jonathan M. Borwein, Qiji J. Zhu New York . -Springer , 2005 VI, 362 p. , 25 cm Two millennia of mathematics: from Archimedes to Gauss / George M. Phillips New York . -Springer , 2000 XII, 223 p. , 23 cm