Autore: |
Naito Toshio
Titolo: |
Organic Conductors
Pubblicazione: |
Basel, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022 |
Descrizione fisica: |
1 electronic resource (418 p.) |
Soggetto topico: |
Technology: general issues |
Chemical engineering |
Soggetto non controllato: |
organic π-radical |
molecular conductor |
phthalocyanine |
three-dimensional network |
three-dimensional electronic system |
organic conductors |
bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF) |
bis(ethylenediseleno)tetrathiafulvalene (BEST) |
bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene (BETS) |
electrical resistivity |
magnetic susceptibility |
X-ray analysis |
charge-ordered state |
quantum chemical calculations |
Madelung energy |
magnetic property |
reversible transformation |
spin ladder |
nodal line semimetal |
single-component molecular conductor |
conductivity |
tight-binding model |
interacting electrons in one dimension |
electronic and lattice instabilities |
renormalization group method |
X-ray diffraction |
single crystal |
electron density |
molecular orbital |
single-component molecular conductors |
extended-TTF dithiolate ligands |
gold dithiolate complexes |
(BETS)2Fe1−xGaxCl4 |
π-d interaction |
charge glass |
heat capacity |
electric current |
electric voltage |
Boson peak |
chirality |
tetrathiafulvalene |
crystal structures |
band structure calculations |
hydrogen bonding |
charge-transfer salts |
deuteration |
anions |
charge transport |
tunnel junction |
quantum well |
co-doping |
solar cells |
(TMTSF)8(I3)5 |
(TMTSF)5(I3)2 |
(TMTSF)4(I3)4·THF |
organic conductor |
crystal structure |
high pressure |
MP2 |
organic superconductors |
Beechgard salts |
Maxwell-Garnett approximation |
high-Tc |
pressure effect |
Dirac electron system |
resistivity |
magnetoresistance |
synchrotron X-ray diffraction |
band calculation |
correlated electron materials |
layered organic conductor |
unconventional superconductivity |
vortex dynamics |
d-wave pairing symmetry |
superconducting gap structure |
magnetic field |
flux-flow resistivity |
charge-ordered insulator |
electric double layer transistor |
organic field-effect transistor |
π-d system |
Mott insulator |
strongly correlated electron system |
multiferroic |
dielectric |
photoconductor |
organic semiconductors |
molecular orbitals |
pyroelectricity |
temperature modulation |
molecular ferroelectrics |
radiative temperature control |
thermal diffusion model |
lithium niobate |
first-principles calculation |
density-functional theory |
charge ordering |
hybrid functional |
electronic structure |
nickel-dithiolene complex |
cycloalkane substituent |
crystalline organic charge-transfer complexes |
disordered systems |
overlap integrals |
extended Hückel approximation |
Dirac electrons |
zero-gap semiconductors |
merging of Dirac cones |
Persona (resp. second.): |
NaitoToshio |
Sommario/riassunto: |
This collection of articles focuses on different aspects of the study of organic conductors. Recent progress in both theoretical and experimental studies is covered in this Special Issue. Papers on a wide variety of studies are categorized into representative topics of chemistry and physics. Besides classical studies on the crystalline organic conductors, applied studies on semiconducting thin films and a number of new topics shared with inorganic materials are also discussed. |
Titolo autorizzato: |
Organic Conductors  |
Formato: |
Materiale a stampa  |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione: |
Inglese |
Record Nr.: | 9910580206403321 |
Lo trovi qui: | Univ. Federico II |
Opac: |
Controlla la disponibilità qui |