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Marine Issues : From a Scientific, Political and Legal Perspective / / edited by Peter N. Ehlers, Elisabeth Mann-Borgese, Rüdiger Wolfrum, Cristina Hoß

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Titolo: Marine Issues : From a Scientific, Political and Legal Perspective / / edited by Peter N. Ehlers, Elisabeth Mann-Borgese, Rüdiger Wolfrum, Cristina Hoß Visualizza cluster
Pubblicazione: Leiden; ; Boston : , : Brill | Nijhoff, , 2002
Descrizione fisica: 1 online resource (345 p.)
Disciplina: 341.76253094
Soggetto topico: Conservation des ressources marines - Droit - Europe
Marine pollution - Law and legislation - Europe
Marine resources conservation - Law and legislation - Europe
Soggetto genere / forma: Electronic books.
Persona (resp. second.): HoßCristina
EhlersPeter N.
Note generali: "These essays were first presented at the XXVIII Pacem in Maribus Conference ... in Hamburg, Germany."
Nota di bibliografia: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Nota di contenuto: List of Abbreviations. -- From the Rhodian Sea Law to UNCLOS III; W.G. Vitzthum. -- Non-European Sources of the Law of the Sea; R.P. Anand. -- Port State Control: An Assessment of European Practice; D. König. -- The Northern Sea Route - Chance or Threat; J. Schwarz. -- The Development of Environmental Standards for the Baltic Sea; U. Jenisch. Monitoring Compliance and Enforcement of Compliance through the Helsinki Convention; M. Fitzmaurice-Lachs. -- Marine Environment Protection - The Baltic Sea Example; P. Ehlers. -- The Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme; U. Kremser. -- The Quality Status Report (QSR 2000) for the North East Atlantic; R. Salchow. -- The Development of Environmental Standards for the North-East Atlantic, including the North Sea; W.H. v. Heinegg. -- Monitoring Compliance and Enforcement of Compliance through the OSPAR Commission; R. Lagoni. -- The Mediterranean Marine Environment: Pressures, State of Pollution and Measures Taken (The Barcelona Convention and the Mediterranean Action Plan); F.S. Civili. -- The Development of the Black Sea Area; V.V. Efimov, V.N. Eremeev. -- Fishery and sustainability; G. Hubold. -- Reflagging of Fishing Vessels: Critical Assessment of its Impact on the Enforcement of Fishing Regulations and the Responses thereto; A. Yankov. -- The Interaction between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea; N. Matz. -- The Protection of the Marine Environment against the Impacts of the Seabed Mining: An Assessment of the New Mining Code of the International Seabed Authority; M. Bothe. -- The Deep Sea Floor - New Discoveries and Visions; K. Lochte. -- The Introduction of Alien or New Species into the Marine Environment: A Challenge for Standard Setting and Enforcement; M. Böckenförde. -- German Marine Science - a Case Study; C. Stienen. -- Is Marine Research an Economic Factor in Europe? K.-G. Barthel. -- A European Approach to Ocean Observation; D. Tromp, N.C. Flemming. -- Towards a European Marine Information Highway; A. Nielsen. -- Ocean and Coastal Zones in Global Programmes and the Ocean 21 Project; A. Vallega, S. Belfiore. -- Eco-Economic Management of Coastal Zone; Y. Jinsen. -- Index.
Sommario/riassunto: This volume collects a number of essays and articles from about twenty experts in various fields connected to marine environmental issues. These essays were first presented at the XXVIII Pacem in Maribus Conference held in December 2000, at the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea in Hamburg, Germany. The purpose of the Conference was to enhance awareness of the European public, governments, the private sector and academia about the importance of responsible ocean and coastal management based on ocean science. Reflecting the innovative interdisciplinary approach of the conference, these volume groups contributors from leading biologists, political scientists, geographers, and jurists according to specific regional relevance and not along strict disciplinary lines. This approach allows the experts to treat marine issues concerning regions such as the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, or the Black Sea in a comprehensive manner. This collection could become an essential instrument for scholars and scientists working within the field of marine environmental issues.
Altri titoli varianti: From a Scientific, Political and Legal Perspective
Titolo autorizzato: Marine issues  Visualizza cluster
ISBN: 1-280-46804-1
Formato: Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione: Inglese
Record Nr.: 9910450148403321
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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