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FME 2003: Formal Methods [[electronic resource] ] : International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe. Pisa Italy, September 8-14, 2003, Proceedings / / edited by Keijiro Araki, Stefania Gnesi, Dion Mandrioli

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Titolo: FME 2003: Formal Methods [[electronic resource] ] : International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe. Pisa Italy, September 8-14, 2003, Proceedings / / edited by Keijiro Araki, Stefania Gnesi, Dion Mandrioli Visualizza cluster
Pubblicazione: Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2003
Edizione: 1st ed. 2003.
Descrizione fisica: 1 online resource (XXXIV, 946 p.)
Disciplina: 005.1
Soggetto topico: Software engineering
Computer logic
Computer programming
Programming languages (Electronic computers)
Mathematical logic
Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems
Logics and Meanings of Programs
Programming Techniques
Software Engineering
Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters
Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages
Persona (resp. second.): ArakiKeijiro
Note generali: Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph
Nota di bibliografia: Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.
Nota di contenuto: Invited Speakers -- Looking Back to the Future -- Past, Present, and Future of SRA Implementation of CafeOBJ -- On Failures and Faults -- Trends in Software Verification -- Event Based Sequential Program Development: Application to Constructing a Pointer Program -- I-Day -- Proving the Shalls -- Adaptable Translator of B Specifications to Embedded C Programs -- Integrating Model-Checking Architectural Analysis and Validation in a Real Software Life-Cycle -- Lessons Learned from a Successful Implementation of Formal Methods in an Industrial Project -- Control Systems and Industrial Applications -- Determining the Specification of a Control System from That of Its Environment -- Managerial Issues for the Consideration and Use of Formal Methods -- Verifying Emulation of Legacy Mission Computer Systems -- Improving Safety Assessment of Complex Systems: An Industrial Case Study -- Communications System Verification -- Compositional Verification of an ATM Protocol -- Proving the Correctness of Simpson’s 4-Slot ACM Using an Assertional Rely-Guarantee Proof Method -- Synthesis and Verification of Constraints in the PGM Protocol -- Co-specification and Compilers -- Mapping Statecharts to Verilog for Hardware/Software Co-specification -- A Strategy for Compiling Classes, Inheritance, and Dynamic Binding -- Composition -- A Semantic Foundation for TCOZ in Unifying Theories of Programming -- Refinement and Verification of Synchronized Component-Based Systems -- Certifying and Synthesizing Membership Equational Proofs -- Team Automata Satisfying Compositionality -- Composing Invariants -- Java, Object Orientation and Modularity -- Java Applet Correctness: A Developer-Oriented Approach -- Improving JML: For a Safer and More Effective Language -- Using Abstractions for Heuristic State Space Exploration of Reactive Object-Oriented Systems -- A Formal Framework for Modular Synchronous System Design -- Model Checking -- Generating Counterexamples for Multi-valued Model-Checking -- Combining Real-Time Model-Checking and Fault Tree Analysis -- Model-Checking TRIO Specifications in SPIN -- Computing Meta-transitions for Linear Transition Systems with Polynomials -- Translation-Based Compositional Reasoning for Software Systems -- Watchdog Transformations for Property-Oriented Model-Checking -- Parallel Process -- A Circus Semantics for Ravenscar Protected Objects -- Constructing Deadlock Free Event-Based Applications: A Rely/Guarantee Approach -- A General Approach to Deadlock Freedom Verification for Software Architectures -- Taking Alloy to the Movies -- Interacting State Machines for Mobility -- Composing Temporal-Logic Specifications with Machine Assistance -- Program Checking and Testing -- Model Checking FTA -- Program Checking with Certificates: Separating Correctness-Critical Code -- Reification of Executable Test Scripts in Formal Specification-Based Test Generation: The Java Card Transaction Mechanism Case Study -- Checking and Reasoning about Semantic Web through Alloy -- B Method -- Structuring Retrenchments in B by Decomposition -- Design of an Automatic Prover Dedicated to the Refinement of Database Applications -- ProB: A Model Checker for B -- Security -- SAT-Based Model-Checking of Security Protocols Using Planning Graph Analysis -- Correctness of Source-Level Safety Policies -- A Topological Characterization of TCP/IP Security.
Sommario/riassunto: ThisvolumecontainstheproceedingsofFM2003,the12thInternationalFormal Methods Europe Symposium which was held in Pisa, Italy on September 8–14, 2003. Formal Methods Europe (FME, www. fmeurope. org) is an independent - sociation which aims to stimulate the use of and research on formal methods for system development. FME conferences began with a VDM Europe symposium in 1987. Since then, the meetings have grown and have been held about once - ery 18 months. Throughout the years the symposia have been notably successful in bringing together researchers, tool developers, vendors, and users, both from academia and from industry. Unlike previous symposia in the series, FM 2003 was not given a speci?c theme. Rather, its main goal could be synthesized as “widening the scope. ” Indeed, the organizers aimed at enlarging the audience and impact of the symposium along several directions. Dropping the su?x ‘E’ from the title of the conference re?ects the wish to welcome participation and contribution from every country; also,contributionsfromoutsidethetraditionalFormalMethodscommunitywere solicited. The recent innovation of including an Industrial Day as an important part of the symposium shows the strong commitment to involve industrial p- ple more and more within the Formal Methods community. Even the traditional and rather fuzzy borderline between “software engineering formal methods” and methods and formalisms exploited in di?erent ?elds of engineering was so- what challenged.
Titolo autorizzato: FME 2003: Formal Methods  Visualizza cluster
ISBN: 3-540-45236-2
Formato: Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione: Inglese
Record Nr.: 996465699403316
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilitĂ  qui
Serie: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, . 0302-9743 ; ; 2805