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Crisis in early religion / / Mait Kõiv [and three others] ; editors

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Titolo: Crisis in early religion / / Mait Kõiv [and three others] ; editors Visualizza cluster
Pubblicazione: Wiesbaden, Germany : , : Springer VS, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica: 1 online resource (202 pages)
Disciplina: 930
Soggetto topico: Civilization, Ancient
Religions - History
Persona (resp. second.): KõivMait
Nota di bibliografia: Includes bibliographical references.
Nota di contenuto: Intro -- Contents -- Crisis in Early Religion: An Introduction -- Bibliography -- The Crisis of Authentic Buddhavacana in Tipiaka: Is Early Buddhist Sangha´s Politics Responsible? -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Modern Scholars´ Views -- 3 Textual Description of Ānanda´s Offence -- 4 Ānanda´s Reply to the Offences -- 5 Mutual Relation of Ānanda and Mahākassapa -- 6 The First Buddhist Council as a Foundation of the Second Buddhist Council -- 7 Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Prajñāpāramitā as a Crisis-Marker in Buddhism -- References -- The Involvement of Buddhist Monks in the Court Intrigues in China and Japan During the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries -- References -- The Ugaritic Combat Myth and Egypto-Hittite Relations in the Late Bronze Age -- Bibliography -- Crises in the Hittite Religion: Examples of the Prayer of Kantuzili and Plague Prayers of Mursili II -- 1 Introductory Notes -- 2 The Signs of Religious Crises in the Hittite Prayers -- 3 Kantuzili and His God -- 4 The Laments of Mursili II -- 5 Crises, the Gods, and the Responsibilities of the King -- References -- Divine Justice and Human Competition: Signs of Crises in Archaic Greece -- 1 Gods and Justice in the Human World -- 2 The Crises in the World of Hesiod, Alkaios, Theognis and Solon -- 3 Continuity and Change in the Religious Expectations -- 4 Managing Competition: Social Background of the Religious Ideas -- References -- When Oracles Don´t Come True: Oedipus Tyrannus and Oracular Crisis -- References -- `The Athenian `Plague´: Religion, `Rationality´, and Ethics´ -- 1 Two Hippocratic Texts and their Challenge to the Religious Dimension of Disease -- 2 Case Study I: The Athenian Plague of 427 BC -- 3 Case Study II: Thucydides´ `Plague´ -- References -- A Crisis of `Atheism´ in Ancient Rome? On the Perception of Nonreligion as a Threat in the Roman Empire -- 1 Terminological Considerations.
1.1 `Atheism´ -- 1.2 Ancient Concepts of `Godlessness´ -- 1.3 The Sociological Concept of Nonreligion -- 2 Methodological Considerations -- 2.1 Social Act vs. Cognitive State -- 3 The Dangers of Nonreligion -- 4 Nonreligion and Crisis -- 4.1 Augustus´ Religious Policies -- 5 Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Crisis and Transformation of Gnostic Christianity in Late Roman and Early Byzantine Egypt -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Problem of the End of Gnosticism in the Current Scholarship -- 3 Three Case Studies -- 3.1 On the Origin of the World -- 3.2 Pistis Sophia -- 3.3 P.Macq. 1 -- 4 Conclusion -- Bibliography.
Titolo autorizzato: Crisis in Early Religion  Visualizza cluster
ISBN: 3-658-36989-2
Formato: Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione: Inglese
Record Nr.: 9910633921003321
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Serie: Universal- und Kulturhistorische Studien. Studies in Universal and Cultural History