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After 9/11: Leading Political Thinkers about the World, the U.S. and Themselves : 17 Conversations / / Tobias Endler

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Autore: Endler Tobias, Dr. Visualizza persona
Titolo: After 9/11: Leading Political Thinkers about the World, the U.S. and Themselves : 17 Conversations / / Tobias Endler Visualizza cluster
Pubblicazione: Leverkusen, : Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2011
Edizione: 1st ed.
Descrizione fisica: 1 online resource (219 pages)
Disciplina: 327.73
Soggetto topico: Intellectuals
September 11
Soggetto geografico: United States Foreign relations 21st century
United States
Soggetto genere / forma: Interviews.
Soggetto non controllato: Intellectuals
September 11
Nota di bibliografia: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Nota di contenuto: "Listen to no voice but your own" / Benjamin R. Barber -- "Identify what the problem is" / John Bolton -- "I say what is on my mind" / Zbigniew Brzezinski -- "You have to be sufficiently subordinate to power" / Noam Chomsky -- "9/11 created a very 'teachable' moment" / Jean Bethke Elshtain -- "I just didn't like being a bureaucrat" / Francis Fukuyama -- "Get people to see possibilities" / Robert O. Keohane -- "People who are in a sense bilingual" / James M. Lindsay -- "You better know about man and the different ranges" / Michael Novak -- "There still is a desire to have some reality checks" / Joseph S. Nye, Jr. -- "There is such a thing as too much democracy" / Clyde V. Prestowitz, Jr. -- "In the wake of a trauma, there is a demand for narratives" / Anne-Marie Slaughter -- "9/11 woke the country up" / Nancy Soderberg -- "I am not crazy about that term" / Strobe Talbott -- "Critical distance is measured in inches" / Michael Walzer -- "A blues man in the life of the mind, and a jazz man in the world of ideas" / Cornel West -- "We are desperately in need of public deliberation" / Howard Zinn.
Sommario/riassunto: After 9/11 presents 17 interviews with America´s leading political thinkers. Renowned experts such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Francis Fukuyama, and Noam Chomsky discuss the nation's foreign policy in the post-9/11 world. Yet, they also comment on their own role in US society - and the mounting challenges they face today. The conversations illustrate the hopes and expectations, the anger and frustration, the shattered beliefs and unshakable convictions of the nation´s preeminent minds - at a time when America made its epic transition from George W. Bush to Barack Obama. Renowned experts engage in a vibrant debate about their nation´s position on the global stage: What is America´s foreign policy in the post-9/11 world? What should it be? What led to the catastrophe of September 11? How best to prevent another one, and how to restore America´s damaged reputation? What to expect of Obama? While struggling to define their nation´s role in a world that has changed since the terror attacks, the intellectuals discuss their own role in 21st-century society - a society that thrives on public discourse. The book is written for students, graduates, and lecturers in political science, sociology, culture studies, philosophy, and history. However, anyone interested not only in the political positions of America´s most prominent thinkers but also in how these thinkers feel about what they do and how they do it will enjoy this book. Interview partners: Benjamin Barber John Bolton Zbigniew Brzezinski Noam Chomsky Francis Fukuyama Jean Bethke Elshtain Robert O. Keohane James M. Lindsay Michael Novak Joseph Nye Clyde Prestowitz Anne-Marie Slaughter Nancy Soderberg Strobe Talbott Michael Walzer Cornel West Howard Zinn (†)
Auf recht einfache Weise gelingt es Endler, ein sehr interessantes Buch zu verfassen: Er interviewt 17 bekannte Experten der US-amerikanischen Politik. Darunter sind sowohl Personen aus dem universitären Betrieb als auch Mitglieder von Think Tanks und Berater der Regierung. Die Themen kreisen dabei um zwei zentrale Punkte, einer ist eher theoretischer Natur, während sich der zweite auf die praktische Politik bezieht. Beide Punkte werden vor dem Hintergrund der Erfahrungen des 11. Septembers 2001 abgehandelt., 16.08.2012 [Endler] sets out to interview leading political thinkers about the post-9/11 intellectual landscape. [...] it is also a good pluralist mix of conservatives, liberals, and moderates that is presented here. Amst - Amerikastudien 4/2012 this is a book that provides a fascinating look at how a part of American public opinion is shaped. Endler's skillful and informed questioning of some of America's key intellectuals results in some very revealing discussion and exchanges of opinions. In sum, After 9/11 represents a project worthy in its inception, and admirable in its execution. European Journal of American Studies -, 19.09.2011 [Das Buch stiftet] Einblicke in den Betrieb intellektueller Meinungsmache und der dazu oppositionellen Funktion von kritischer Öffentlichkeit. Politix 30/2011 Ein facettenreiches Meinungsspektrum versammelt der bei Barbara Budrich Publishers erschienene englischsprachige Band After 9/11 [...]. 17 Wissenschaftler und Regierungsmitarbeiter - unter ihnen der frühere Präsidentenberater Zbigniew Brzezinski, der Linguist Noam Chomsky und der Historiker Michael Walzer - beantworten jeweils einen gleichlautenden Fragebogen zur Welt nach »9/11«. In ihren Statements geben sie eine vielschichtige Einschätzung derpolitischen und persönlichen Veränderungen. Börsenblatt Heft 34, 25.08.2011 For any interested observer of the ongoing foreign policy debate in the United States, After 9/11 is a must. Foreign Policy in Focus -, 29.04.2011 Zehn Jahre sind vergangen, seit die Flugzeugattacken auf das World Trade Center und das Pentagon die Welt schockten und die Vereinigten Staaten in ihrem Selbstverständnis als Supermacht trafen. Im Frühjahr 2011 sind die Spuren der Tragödie im kollektivenGedächtnis der Amerikaner nicht verschwunden. An Ground Zero wird gebaut, in Politik und Wissenschaft wird intensiv über die eigene Rolle in der Welt diskutiert. Tobias Endler hat in seinem Buch "After 9/11" 17 politische Denker befragt. Handelsblatt 01./02.04.2011
Titolo autorizzato: After 9  Visualizza cluster
ISBN: 9783866496859
Formato: Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione: Inglese
Record Nr.: 9910552995603321
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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