Biographisches zu Husain Wa'iz Kasifi / Gottfried Herrmann ; pp. 90-100
Ein bisher unbekannter Titel aus spatsassanidischer Zeit? / Dieter Weber ; pp. 228-236
Eine buddhistische Allegorie in manichaischer Uberlieferung / Werner Sundermann ; pp. 198-206
A caravan of chronological adverbs / J. Elfenbein ; pp. 59-66
The Do'a-ye Nam Stayisn / J.R. Russell ; pp. 127-132
A Draught of Love: A translation of Ruhollah Xomeini's sabu ye 'esq / Finn Thiesen ; pp. 211-227
The earliest manuscripts from Central Asia and the Sarvastivada mission / Lore Sander ; pp. 133-150
The ideogram for 'staters' in Pahlavi / A.D.H. Bivar ; pp. 3-14
Irano-aramaica: On some legal, administrative and economic terms / Shaul Shaked ; pp. 167-175
Medio-reflexive verbs in Khotanese / Giotto Canevascini ; pp. 23-26
Middle Persian anad, anand / Prods Oktor Skjaervo ; pp. 190-197
More on the Khwarezmian Hypothesis / Gherardo Gnoli ; pp. 74-78
Neryosanghs Sanskrit-Ubersetzung von Skand gumanik vicar / Almuth Degener ; pp. 49-58
Nhd. See und Alteuropa / W.P. Schmid ; pp. 151-156
A note on Iranian dahyu / Wojciech Skalmowski ; pp. 188-189
Ornithologisches aus den judisch-persischen Ubersetzungen der hebraischen Bibel / Jes P. Asmussen ; pp. 1-2
A page of a Sogdian Liber Vitae / Martin Schwartz ; pp. 157-166
The Parthian epigraphic remains from Gobleki-depe amd some other Parthian inscriptions / V.A. Livshits and A.B. Nikitin ; pp. 109-126
Remarques sur l'opposition de nombre en vieil-avestique / Jean Kellens ; pp. 101-108
A Sogdian greeting / Nicholas Sims-Williams ; pp. 176-187
Sogdian Miscellany 3. / Yutaka Yoshida ; pp. 237-244
Some Isfahani words / A. Tafazzoli ; pp. 207-210
Thoughts on Khotanese e and o / Ronald E. Emmerick and Mauro Maggi ; pp. 67-73
A Version of the Kurdish Romance Mem u Zin with English Translation and Commentary / Michael L. Chyet ; pp. 27-48
The vitality of Zoroastrianism attested by some Yazdi traditions and actions / Mary Boyce ; pp. 15-22
Zadsprams Interpretation des Ahunairyo-Gebetes / Gerd Gropp ; pp. 79-89
pp. 90-100
pp. 228-236
pp. 198-206
pp. 59-66
pp. 127-132
pp. 211-227
pp. 133-150
pp. 3-14
pp. 167-175
pp. 23-26
pp. 190-197
pp. 74-78
pp. 49-58
pp. 151-156
pp. 188-189
pp. 1-2
pp. 157-166
pp. 109-126
pp. 101-108
pp. 176-187
pp. 237-244
pp. 207-210
pp. 67-73
pp. 27-48
pp. 15-22
pp. 79-89