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Titolo: |
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IV, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 July 2000 [[electronic resource] /] / editors, Wolfgang Lucha, Khin Maung Maung
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Pubblicazione: | River Edge, N.J., : World Scientific, c2002 |
Descrizione fisica: | xiv, 369 p. : ill |
Disciplina: | 539.72167 |
Soggetto topico: | Quark confinement |
Hadrons | |
Quantum chromodynamics | |
Soggetto genere / forma: | Electronic books. |
Altri autori: |
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Note generali: | Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph |
Nota di bibliografia: | Includes bibliographical references. |
Nota di contenuto: | Plenary session presentations. The Dirac operator spectrum and effective field theory / Poul Henrik Damgaard -- Applications of the hypervirial theorem / Yi-Bing Ding, Xue-Qian Li and Peng-Nian Shen -- Contemporary applications of Dyson-Schwinger equations / M. B. Hecht, Craig D. Roberts and S. M. Schmidt -- What the infrared behaviour of QCD green functions can tell us about confinement in the covariant gauge / Lorenz von Smekal and Reinhard Alkofer -- On the emerging phenomenology of [symbol] / F. V. Gubarev and Valentine I. Zakharov -- Strangeness production using electrons / Oliver Keith Baker -- Dual QCD, effective string theory and Regge trajectories (Fred Zachariasen Memorial Lecture) / Marshall Baker and R. Steinke -- Many-body approach to mesons, hybrids and glueballs / Stephen R. Cotanch and Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada -- Recent developments in chiral perturbation theory / Gilberto Colangelo -- Exact chiral symmetry with a non-perturbative cutoff / Herbert Neuberger -- The role of chiral symmetry in hadronic scattering / Jose Emilio Fernandes Tavares Ribeiro -- Center vortices and colour confinement in lattice QCD / Roman Bertle ... [et al.] -- Center vortices in continuum Yang-Mills theory / Hugo Reinhardt and Michael Engelhardt -- Continuum QCD and light mesons / Pieter Maris -- The last meson / Thomas Devlin -- The Bc and other hadrons from the bottom drawer of lattice QCD / Hugh Philip Shanahan -- Glueballs, hybrid and exotic mesons and string breaking / Chris Michael -- QCD potentiology / Gunnar S. Bali -- pNRQCD: Review of selected results / Antonio Vairo -- Confinement IV - Summary(?) / Howard Georgi -- Parallel session contributions. Parallel session A. Vacuum structure of QCD and mechanism of confinement -- Vortex configurations in SO(3) x Z(2) / Andrei Alexandru and Richard W. Haymaker -- Recent results in the center vortex model for the infrared sector of Yang-Mills theory / Michael Engelhardt, Hugo Reinhardt and Manfried Faber -- Instantons, monopoles, and Gribov copies in the maximally abelian gauge / Thomas Heinzl -- The gluon condensate from gauge invariant vortex vacuum texture / Kurt Langfeld -- Quark confinement in the analytic approach to QCD / Alexander V. Nesterenko -- Mass generation, ghost condensation and broken symmetry: SU(2) in covariant abelian gauges / Martin Schaden -- Confinement picture in dual formulation of lattice gauge models / Oleg Borisenko and Manfried Faber -- Renormalons on the lattice and the OPE for the plaquette: A status report / Francesco di Renzo -- Colour confinement in the lattice landau gauge QCD simulation / Sadataka Furui and Hideo Nakajima -- Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory / Norbert E. Ligterink -- Lattice QCD with the overlap-Dirac operator: Its a parameter, and one-loop renormalization of fermionic currents / Constantia Alexandrou ... [et al.] -- Comments on the confinement from dilaton-gluon coupling in QCD / Mohamed Chabab -- On confinement provided by the spontaneous symmetry breaking / Valentin E. Kuzmichev and V. V. Kuzmichev -- Chiral physics in the quark composites approach to QCD / Sergio Caracciolo, Fabrizio Palumbo and Roberto Scimia. |
Parallel session B. Light quarks (and gluons). Spectroscopy "windows" of quark-antiquark mesons and glueballs with effective Regge trajectories / Martina Brisudova, Leonid Burakovsky and Terrance Goldman -- The topological susceptibility and pion decay constant from lattice QCD / UKQCD collaboration: Alistair Hart and M. Teper -- Light-light and heavy-light mesons spectra from nonperturbative QCD / Alexei V. Nefediev -- Electromagnetic properties of light nucleon resonances in a chiral constituent quark model / Robert Ferdinand Wagenbrunn, M. Radici and S. Boffi -- Relationship of pionium lifetime with pion scattering lengths in generalized chiral perturbation theory / Hagop Sazdjian -- The infrared behaviour of the gluon propagator in SU(2) and SU(3) without lattice gribov copies / Constantia Alexandrou, Ph. de Forcrand and E. Follana -- The [symbol] form factor as a constraint on Schwinger-Dyson modeling of light quarks / Dubravko Klabucar and Bojan Bistrovic -- Parallel session C. Heavy quarks (and gluons). Application of the shifted-Z expansion method to B and D meson leptonic decay constants in the semi-relativistic wave equation / Thabit Barakat -- The mass of the b quark from lattice NRQCD / Sara Collins -- Phenomenology of heavy quark systems and NRQCD matching coefficients / Lewis P. Fulcher -- The radial wave functions of a heavy-light meson calculated on a lattice / UKQCD Collaboration ... [et al.] -- Weak form factors for heavy meson decays / Dmitri Melikhov and B. Stech -- Comparison of two-body equations / John H. Connell -- Instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter equation: (Semi-)analytical solution / Wolfgang Lucha, Khin Maung Maung and Franz F. Schoberl -- Generalized Gell-Mann-Low theorem applied to a scalar model / Axel Weber -- Parallel session D. Deconfinement. QCD sum rules at finite temperature and density / Samirnath Mallik -- Eigenvalues of the QCD dirac operator at finite temperature and density / E. Bittner ... [et al.] -- Evidence for deconfinement from the J/[symbol] suppression pattern in Pb-Pb collisions by the NA50 experiment / M. C. Abreu et al. (presented by Luciano Ramello) -- Poster session contributions. Monopole condensation and confinement in non-abelian lattice gauge theory / P. Cea and Leonardo Cosmai -- Mass of the bottom quark / Wolfgang Lucha and Franz F. Schoberl -- Random matrix theory and chiral condensate for QED / B. A. Berg ... [et al.] -- Strong decays in the 't Hooft model / Yulia Kalashnikova and Alexei V. Nefediev. | |
Titolo autorizzato: | Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IV, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 July 2000 ![]() |
ISBN: | 981-277-856-X |
Formato: | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione: | Inglese |
Record Nr.: | 9910450943803321 |
Lo trovi qui: | Univ. Federico II |
Opac: | Controlla la disponibilità qui |