Orientalia Venetiana ; 7
Anti-narrative tendencies in classical Indian literature / Giuliano Boccali ; pp. 257-268
Buddhist literature as the most representative source for the study of historical grammar of vernacular Chinese from the Six dynasties to the Tang / Isabella Gurevich ; pp. 181-192
Chi narra e come si narra quando è la via alchemica oggetto di narrazione? Considerazioni sulla Scrittura di Concatenamento ad anello (Gousou lianhuan jing) del maestro taoista Bai Yuchan (1194?-?) la via dell'elisir d'oro (jindan) come mito e lo svelamento della Realtà Unica. with English summary / Alfredo Cadonna ; pp. 269-322
Guanyin's Parrot, a Chinese animal tale and its international context / Wilt Idema ; pp. 103-150
On "transformationists" (bianjia) and "jumbled Transormations" (laza bian): Two new sources or the study of Transormation texts (bianwen). with an appendiz of the phonotactics of the sinographic script and the reconstruction of old siniic / Victor H. Mair ; pp. 3-70
Oral narrative, visual narrative, literary narrative in ancient Buddhist India / Maurizio Taddei ; pp. 71-86
A question of classification in Tang narrative : The story of Ding Yue / Glen Dudbridge ; pp. 151-180
Remarks on the place of narrative in the Buddhist literatures of India and Tibet / D. Seyfort Ruegg ; pp. 193-228
The structure of narrative cycles in Hindu myth and iconography / Alessandro Grossato ; pp. 87-102
The tales of the Bewitched corpse: A literary journey from India to China / Raffaella Riva ; pp. 229-256
pp. 257-268
pp. 181-192
pp. 269-322
pp. 103-150
pp. 3-70
pp. 71-86
pp. 151-180
pp. 193-228
pp. 87-102
pp. 229-256