Bimas : a package program for intensification of food crop production in Indonesia / Achmad T. Birowo 22 p. 28 cm ; 4. 1975
Comparing admistrative "Reality Worlds" : a preliminary report of administration of rice production project / by Richard W. Gable, Fred J. Springer 34, 7 p. ; 28 cm ; 5. 1973
Cultural change in rural Vietnam : a study of the effects of long-term communist control on social structure, attitudes and values of peasants of the Mekong delta / A. Terry Rambo, Neil L. Jamieson 85, 7 p. ; 28 cm ; 4. 1973
An Eassay on employment concepts : the definition of labor forces in term of Socialization / David G. Davies 17 p. 28 cm ; 8, 1973
Food for thought : three recipes for appraising nutrition programs / John D. Montgomery 21 p. 28 cm ; 2. 1976
Foreign aid and choise of technique in road construction in Thailand / William A. McCleary 87 p. 28 cm ; 8. 1974
A Labor-intensive strategy for Southeast Asia and priorities / Harry T. Oshima 14 p. 28 cm ; 7. 1973
Learning environments and learning outcomes : a review of research literature / by H. Dean Nielsen, Diana H. Kirk, Educational Environment, an annotated bibliography by Diana H. Kirk 31 , 50 p. ; 28 cm ; 9. 1973
Nutrition and some related sedeases of public health importance in the lower Mekong basin : a review / Chamlong Harinasuta, Richard A. Grossman, Barbara A. Underwood 73 p. 28 cm ; 3. 1973
The Philippine expirience with land reform since 1972 : an overiew / Jose C. Jr. Medina 21 p. 28 cm ; 3. 1975
The "Planned Birth" program of the people' Republic of China, with a brief analysis of its transerability / Pi-chao Chen 30 p. 28 cm ; 11. 1974
Policies of ASEAN countries towards direct foreign investiment / Thomas W. Allen 87 p. 28 cm ; 4. 1974
Political integration in North Vietnam the cooperativization period / David W. P. Elliot 35 p. 28 cm ; 2. 1975
Short-term employment creation project Philippine setting : problems and prospect / Ruperto P. Alonzo 31 , 50 p. ; 28 cm ; 10. 1973
Strengths and weakness of the Philippine land reform / Dunvcan A. Harkin 22 p. 28 cm ; 5. 1975
Three essay on the methodological aspect of integrating population planning into general economic planning / Donald Eilenstine, Dale Heien, A. G. Blonqvist 36 p. 28 cm ; 3. 1974
4. 1975
5. 1973
4. 1973
8, 1973
2. 1976
8. 1974
7. 1973
9. 1973
3. 1973
3. 1975
11. 1974
4. 1974
2. 1975
10. 1973
5. 1975
3. 1974