Critical criminology / edited with contributory essays by Ian Taylor, Paul Walton, Jock Young London Boston . -Routledge & Kegan Paul , 1975 xii, 268 p. , 22 cm.
The cultural critics : from Matthew Arnold to Raymond Williams / Lesley Johnson London Boston ; Henley . -Routledge and K. Paul , 1979 VIII, 235, 15 p. , 22 cm.
The new criminology : for a social theory of deviance / Ian Taylor, Paul Walton, Jock Young London Boston . -Routledge & Kegan Paul , 1973 XIV, 325 p. , 22 cm.
Non-representational theory : space, politics, affect / Nigel Thrift London New York . -Routledge , 2008 X, 325 p. , 24 cm.
Brands : the logos of the global economy / Celia Lury London New York . -Routledge , 2004 VI, 198 p. , 22 cm.
Gender transformations / Sylvia Walby London New York . -Routledge , 1997. X , 245 p. ; 24 cm.
Global cities : post-imperialism and the internationalization of London / Anthony D. King 1st publ London New York . -Routledge , 1990 XIV, 194 p. , 22 cm.
New trends in education in the eighteenth century / by Nicholas Hans London . -Routledge & Kegan Paul , 1966 261 p. , 22 cm.
Philosophical foundations of the three sociologies / Ted Benton London . -Routledge , 1977 225 p. , 22 cm. -
Social theory as science / Russell Keat, John Urry London Boston . -Routledge & Kegan Paul , 1975 X, 290 p. , 22 cm. -
Urbanism, colonialism and the world-economy : Cultural and spatial foundations of the world urban system / Anthony D. King London . -Routledge , 1991 xii, 185 p. . -ill. , 22 cm