The Korean diaspora and strategies for global networks , Zaigai-korian-no-diasupora-to-kokusai-nettowāku-senryaku. ; 2005
The study of Japan in Australia : a unique development over Eighty years / Misuzu Haninara Chow. ; 2003
Kokusaiteki shiya kara no nihon kenkyū , Japanese studies from international perspectives / edited by Nanyan Guo Kyōto . -Ningen bunka kenkyū kikō Kokusai nihon bunka kenkyū sentā kaigai kenkyū kōryūshitsu , 2017 360 p. , 21 cm ; 2010
Nihongo de kaku : bungaku sōsaku no yorokobi to kurushimi , Ecstasy and agony : The experiences of non-Japanese writers of Japanese literature / edited by Nanyan Guo ; 2010
Scholars of Buddhism in Japan: Buddhist studies in the 21st Century : the ninth annual symposium for scholars resident in Japan , Nihon no bukkyōgakusha : 21 seiki no bukkyōgaku ni mukete / edited by James Baskind. ; 2008
Rethinking "communication" , Komyunikeshion wo kangaeru / edited by Office of Research Exchange, International Research Center for Japanese Studies. ; 2007
Research on art and music in Japan : a colloquy with foreign scholars resident in Japan , Hikaku: zaiju Nihon kenkyusha ga kataru Nihon no bijutsu to ongaku / edited by Patricia Fister and Hosokawa Shuhei. ; 2006
Observing Japan from within : perspectives of foreign scholars resident in Japan / edited by James C. Baxter. ; 2004
Nihon tojika no chosen kenkyu no genjo to kadai. ; 2002
Korea under Japanese rule : past and current results and issues for future research / edited by Matsuda Toshihiko. ; 2002