Political elite recruitment in the Soviet Union / Bohdan Harasymiw London . -MacMilllan Press , c1984 XVIII, 277 p. , 21 cm.
The State in socialist society / edited by Neil Harding Oxford . -St. Antony's College ; London . -Macmillan Press , c1984 XI, 316 p. , 22 cm.
The black man in slavery and freedom in colonial Brazil / A. J. R. Russell-Wood Oxford . -St Antony's College , 1982 XIII, 295 p. . -ill. , 24 cm
Black writers from South Africa : Towards a discourse of liberation / Jane Watts Oxford . -The MacMillan , 1989 xi, 284 p. , 22 cm
Children of Islam : Concepts of childhood in medieval Muslim society / Avner Gil'adi Oxford . -Macmillan , 1992 xii,176 p. , 23 cm
Gender, culture and empire : European women in colonial Nigeria / Helen Callaway Oxford . -Macmillan Press , 1987 XIV, 278 p. , 23 cm
Legitimacy and the State in twentieth-century Africa : Essays in honour of A.H.M. Kirk-Greene / Edited by Terence Ranger and Olufemi Vaughan Houndmills . -Macmillan , 1993 xii, 284 p. , 23 cm
Securing peace in Europe, 1945-62 : thoughts for the post-Cold War Era / Edited by Beatrice Heuser and Robert O'Neill Houndmills . -MacMillan , 1992 - XV,355 p. ; 23 cm
Shemlan : a history of the Middle East centre for Arab studies / James Craig Houndmills . -Macmillan , 1998 xiv, 203 p., [2] c. di tav. , 23 cm