Micro/Nano Manufacturing: Printed Edition of the Special Issue Micro/Nano Manufacturing that was Published in "Applied Sciences" / André Zimmermann, Stefan Dimov
Micro/Nano Manufacturing: Printed Edition of the Special Issue Micro/Nano Manufacturing that was Published in "Applied Sciences" / André Zimmermann, Stefan Dimov
Micro manufacturing involves dealing with the fabrication of structures in the size range of 0.1 to 1000 µm. The scope of nano manufacturing extends the size range of manufactured features to even smaller length scales-below 100 nm. A strict borderline between micro and nano manufacturing can hardly be drawn, such that both domains are treated as complementary and mutually beneficial within a closely interconnected scientific community. Both micro and nano manufacturing can be considered as important enablers for high-end products. This Special Issue of Applied Sciences is dedicated to recent advances in research and development within the field of micro and nano manufacturing. The included papers report recent findings and advances in manufacturing technologies for producing products with micro and nano scale features and structures as well as applications underpinned by the advances in these technologies.