LEADER 09215nam0 22014051i 450 001 UON00021011 005 20231205102018.795 010 $a90-683-1002-X 100 $a20020107d1985 |0itac50 ba 101 $amul 102 $aNL 105 $a|||| 1|||| 200 1 $aPapers in honour of Professor Mary Boyce 210 $aLeiden$cdiffusion Brill$d1985 215 $a2 v.$cill.$d25 cm 311 $av. 1, pp. 327-334$9UON00021068 311 $av. 2, pp. 365-370$9UON00021078 311 $av. 1, pp. 9-14$9UON00021013 311 $av. 2, pp. 447-458$9UON00021085 311 $av. 2, pp. 511-525$9UON00021093 311 $av. 2, pp. 665-673$9UON00021125 311 $av. 1, pp. 195-215$9UON00021061 311 $av. 1, pp. 15-24$9UON00021014 311 $av. 2, pp. 528-543$9UON00021097 311 $av. 1, pp. 61-148$9UON00021046 311 $av. 2, pp. 459-471$9UON00021087 311 $av. 2, pp. 727-745$9UON00021132 311 $av. 1, pp. 43-60$9UON00021045 311 $av. 1, pp. 357-363$9UON00021070 311 $av. 1, pp. 191-194$9UON00021060 311 $av. 1, pp. 261-326$9UON00021066 311 $av. 2, pp. 629-650$9UON00021119 311 $av. 1, pp. 229-246$9UON00021063 311 $av. 2, pp. 583-591$9UON00021106 311 $av. 2, pp. 699-726$9UON00021131 311 $av. 2, pp. 497-510$9UON00021091 311 $av. 2, pp. 675-681$9UON00021126 311 $av. 2, pp. 573-582$9UON00021104 311 $av. 2, pp. 655-664$9UON00021123 311 $av. 1, pp. 179-184$9UON00021055 311 $av. 2, pp. 371-399$9UON00021079 311 $av. 2, pp. 401-419$9UON00021080 311 $av. 2, pp. 441-445$9UON00021084 311 $av. 1, pp. 335-356$9UON00021069 311 $av. 2, pp. 605-627$9UON00021113 311 $av. 1, pp. 247-259$9UON00021065 311 $av. 1, pp. 25-42$9UON00021044 311 $av. 2, pp. 429-434$9UON00021082 311 $av. 1, pp. 159-178$9UON00021053 311 $av. 1, pp. 217-228$9UON00021062 311 $av. 2, pp. 473-496$9UON00021088 311 $av. 2, pp. 651-654$9UON00021122 311 $av. 1, pp. 1-7$9UON00021012 311 $av. 2, pp. 683-697$9UON00021129 311 $av. 2, pp. 594-603$9UON00021107 311 $av. 2, pp. 545-572$9UON00021098 311 $av. 1, pp. 185-190$9UON00021057 311 $av. 2, pp. 421-428$9UON00021081 311 $av. 1, pp. 149-157$9UON00021048 311 $av. 2, pp. 435-440$9UON00021083 316 $aIR GEN D I 10 (1)$5IT-UONSI IRGEND I/010 (1) 316 $aIR GEN D I 10 (2)$5IT-UONSI IRGEND I/010 (2) 410 1$1001UON00000273$12001 $aActa Iranica$eEncyclopédie permanente des études iraniennes$1300 $aDal 1979 pubblicata dal Centre International d'Etudes Indo-iraniennes di Liegi, poi Peeters$v24 410 1$1001UON00017568$12001 $aActa Iranica. Hommages et Opera Minora$v10 464 0$1001UON00021068$12001 $aAbout Gopatsah, his country, and the Khwarezmian hypothesis$fHelmut Humbach$vv. 1, pp. 327-334 464 0$1001UON00021078$12001 $aˆAn ‰ancient irani ritual for tending the fire$fF.M. Kotwal$vv. 2, pp. 365-370 464 0$1001UON00021013$12001 $aApastak$fH.W. Bailey$vv. 1, pp. 9-14 464 0$1001UON00021085$12001 $aArmeno-Iranica$fJ.R. Russell$vv. 2, pp. 447-458 464 0$1001UON00021093$12001 $aBagdana, king of the demons, and other iranian terms in Babylonian Aramaic magic$fShaul Shaked$vv. 2, pp. 511-525 464 0$1001UON00021125$12001 $aˆA ‰beautiful girl$fF. Vahman$vv. 2, pp. 665-673 464 0$1001UON00021061$12001 $aˆLes ‰bulles sasanides de Qasr-i Abu Nasr (Collection du Metropolitan Museum of Art)$fPhilippe Gignoux$vv. 1, pp. 195-215 464 0$1001UON00021014$12001 $aˆThe ‰contribution of the Cologne Mani Codex to the religio-historical study of Manicheism$fUgo Bianchi$vv. 1, pp. 15-24 464 0$1001UON00021097$12001 $aˆThe ‰cosmogonical and cosmological teachings of Mazdak$fMansour Shaki$vv. 2, pp. 528-543 464 0$1001UON00021046$12001 $aˆThe ‰crown-bestower in the Iranian Book of Kings$fOlga M. Davidson$vv. 1, pp. 61-148 464 0$1001UON00021087$12001 $aˆThe ‰death of Cyrus$eXenophon's Cyropaedia as a source for iranian history$fH. Sancisi-Weerdenburg$vv. 2, pp. 459-471 464 0$1001UON00021132$12001 $aDistinction of grammatical gender in the dialects of Kashan province and the adjoining areas$fEhsan Yarshater$vv. 2, pp. 727-745 464 0$1001UON00021045$12001 $aˆEine ‰edlere frau als sie habe ich nie gesehen$fPeter Calmeyer und Heinz Gaube$vv. 1, pp. 43-60 464 0$1001UON00021070$12001 $aEpistle I, Ch. IX of Manuscihr Yudanyiman$fM.F. Kanga$vv. 1, pp. 357-363 464 0$1001UON00021060$12001 $aFarr u aurang$fIlya Gershevitch$vv. 1, pp. 191-194 464 0$1001UON00021066$12001 $aˆThe ‰flowering of Zoroastrian benevolence: Parsi charities in the 19th and 20th centuries$fJohn R. Hinnels$vv. 1, pp. 261-326 464 0$1001UON00021119$12001 $aˆDer ‰Gowisn i griw zindag-Zyklus$fWerner Sundermann$vv. 2, pp. 629-650 464 0$1001UON00021063$12001 $aˆThe ‰great gods of Elymais$fJohn Hansman$vv. 1, pp. 229-246 464 0$1001UON00021106$12001 $aHafiz and Shakespeare$eAn East-West encounter$fWojciech Skalmowski$vv. 2, pp. 583-591 464 0$1001UON00021131$12001 $aHaoma/Soma$eThe plant$fGernot L. Windfuhr$vv. 2, pp. 699-726 464 0$1001UON00021091$12001 $aIranian notes 1-6$fA. Sh. Shahbazi$vv. 2, pp. 497-510 464 0$1001UON00021126$12001 $aKhotansakisch asana- 'wert, wurdig'$fDieter Weber$vv. 2, pp. 675-681 464 0$1001UON00021104$12001 $aˆThe ‰manichaean commandments$eA survey of the sources$fNicholas Sims-Williams$vv. 2, pp. 573-582 464 0$1001UON00021123$12001 $aManistan and xanaqah$fBo Utas$vv. 2, pp. 655-664 464 0$1001UON00021055$12001 $aˆEin ‰mannlein steht im walde$fR.E. Emmerick$vv. 1, pp. 179-184 464 0$1001UON00021079$12001 $aˆLa ‰métrique de la poésie parthe$fGilbert Lazard$vv. 2, pp. 371-399 464 0$1001UON00021080$12001 $aNew light on Manichaeism in China$fS.N.C. Lieu$vv. 2, pp. 401-419 464 0$1001UON00021084$12001 $aNote sulla cliticizzazione in Mediopersiano e Partico$fAdriano V. Rossi$vv. 2, pp. 441-445 464 0$1001UON00021069$12001 $aOn the dron in Zoroastrianism$fKaikhusroo M. Jamasp Asa$vv. 1, pp. 335-356 464 0$1001UON00021113$12001 $aOn the evolution of the early Iranian fire temple$fDavid Stronach$vv. 2, pp. 605-627 464 0$1001UON00021065$12001 $aˆThe ‰ox-headed mace in pre-islamic Iran$fPrudence O. Harper$vv. 1, pp. 247-259 464 0$1001UON00021044$12001 $aˆA ‰Persian fairyland$fA.D.H. Bivar$vv. 1, pp. 25-42 464 0$1001UON00021082$12001 $aPoetic lines in the Denkart 7. / H.K. Mirza$vv. 2, pp. 429-434 464 0$1001UON00021053$12001 $aPopular poetry of the Baloches$fJ. Elfenbein$vv. 1, pp. 159-178 464 0$1001UON00021062$12001 $aRagha la zoroastriana$fGherardo Gnoli$vv. 1, pp. 217-228 464 0$1001UON00021088$12001 $aScatology and eschatology in Zoroaster$eOn the paronomasia of Yasna 48.10 and on Indo-European H2EG 'to make taboo' and the reciprocity verbs *kwsen(w) and *megh$fMartin Schwartz$vv. 2, pp. 473-496 464 0$1001UON00021122$12001 $aSome classical persian words and their Middle Iranian equivalents$fA. Tafazzoli$vv. 2, pp. 651-654 464 0$1001UON00021012$12001 $aSome textual problems in the Hebrew Bible and their treatment in Judeo-Persian versions$fJes P. Asmussen$vv. 1, pp. 1-7 464 0$1001UON00021129$12001 $aˆA ‰strange account of the world's origin$ePRDd. 46. / Alan Williams$vv. 2, pp. 683-697 464 0$1001UON00021107$12001 $aThematic and linguistic parallels in the Achaemenian and Sassanian inscriptions$fProds Oktor Skjaervo$vv. 2, pp. 594-603 464 0$1001UON00021098$12001 $aTwo fire temples converted to mosques in Central Iran$fMehrdad Shokoohy$vv. 2, pp. 545-572 464 0$1001UON00021057$12001 $aTwo Iranian notes$fRichard N. Frye$vv. 1, pp. 185-190 464 0$1001UON00021081$12001 $aTwo Sogdian hwydgm'm fragments$fD.N. MacKenzie$vv. 2, pp. 421-428 464 0$1001UON00021048$12001 $aˆThe ‰wise men from the East in the Western tradition$fJacques Duchesne-Guillemin$vv. 1, pp. 149-157 464 0$1001UON00021083$12001 $aZoroastrianism in the comparison of religions$fJacob Neusner$vv. 2, pp. 435-440 606 $aIRANISTICA$3UONC003849$2FI 620 $aNL$dLeiden$3UONL003056 686 $aIR GEN D I$cIRAN ANTICO - STUDI IN ONORE DI - GENERALIA$2A 702 1$aBOYCE$bMary$3UONV000315 712 $aBrill$3UONV245886$4650 801 $aIT$bSOL$c20240220$gRICA 912 $aUON00021011 950 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$dSI IR GEN D I 010 (1) $eSI SA 57495 7 010 (1) IR GEN D I 10 (1) 950 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$dSI IR GEN D I 010 (2) $eSI SA 57496 7 010 (2) IR GEN D I 10 (2) 996 $aPapers in honour of Professor Mary Boyce$91196753 997 $aUNIOR