LEADER 13093nam0 22018851i 450 001 UON00019373 005 20231205102011.125 010 $a35-258-2476-9 100 $a20020107g19911992 |0itac50 ba 101 $amul 102 $aDD 105 $a|||| 1|||| 200 1 $aˆThe ‰Dating of the historical Buddha$dDie Datierung des historischen Buddha (Symposien zur Buddhismusforschung, IV, 1-2)$fedited by Heinz Bechert 210 $aGottingen$cVandenhoeck & Ruprecht$d1991/92 215 $a2 v.$d25 cm 311 $app. 61-89$9UON00020082 311 $ap. 110-147$9UON00020507 311 $ap. 334-340$9UON00020524 311 $ap. 194-196$9UON00020466 311 $ap. 403-414$9UON00020491 311 $ap. 105-109$9UON00020506 311 $ap. 422-426$9UON00020535 311 $app. 46-48$9UON00020078 311 $ap. 378-384$9UON00020487 311 $ap. 84-104$9UON00020505 311 $ap. 445-461$9UON00020540 311 $ap. 351-364$9UON00020528 311 $ap. 430-444$9UON00020538 311 $ap. 458-489$9UON00020500 311 $ap. 185-199$9UON00020509 311 $ap. 415-422$9UON00020494 311 $ap. 222-236$9UON00020472 311 $ap. 363-377$9UON00020486 311 $ap. 11-83$9UON00020504 311 $ap. 449-457$9UON00020499 311 $ap. 237-262$9UON00020512 311 $ap. 321-331$9UON00020518 311 $ap. 385-402$9UON00020489 311 $ap. 503-505$9UON00020502 311 $ap. 525-526$9UON00020546 311 $ap. 197-210$9UON00020467 311 $ap. 252-295$9UON00020474 311 $ap. 423-425$9UON00020496 311 $ap. 108-131$9UON00020456 311 $ap. 296-299$9UON00020475 311 $ap. 344- 357$9UON00020482 311 $app. 55-60$9UON00020081 311 $ap. 427-429$9UON00020536 311 $ap. 183-193$9UON00020463 311 $ap. 313-328$9UON00020478 311 $ap. 426-440$9UON00020497 311 $ap. 506-522$9UON00020503 311 $ap. 152-182$9UON00020462 311 $ap. 474-500$9UON00020544 311 $ap. 501-524$9UON00020545 311 $app. 49-54$9UON00020079 311 $ap. 200-207$9UON00020510 311 $ap. 263-290$9UON00020513 311 $ap. 300-312$9UON00020476 311 $ap. 441-448$9UON00020498 311 $ap. 401-421$9UON00020534 311 $ap. 358-362$9UON00020483 311 $ap. 329-343$9UON00020480 311 $ap. 208-236$9UON00020511 311 $ap. 148-184$9UON00020508 311 $ap. 211-221$9UON00020469 311 $ap. 468-473$9UON00020542 311 $app. 27-45$9UON00020076 311 $ap. 299-320$9UON00020516 311 $ap. 100-107$9UON00020455 311 $ap. 341-350$9UON00020527 311 $ap. 132-137$9UON00020458 311 $ap. 291-298$9UON00020515 311 $ap. 332-333$9UON00020520 311 $ap. 490-502$9UON00020501 311 $ap. 366-400$9UON00020531 311 $ap. 237-251$9UON00020473 311 $ap. 461-467$9UON00020541 311 $ap. 138-151$9UON00020460 311 $app. 90-99$9UON00020083 410 1$1001UON00004329$12001 $aAbhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. 3. Folge$v189,194 464 0$1001UON00020082$12001 $aArchaeological Research on Ancient Buddhist Sites$fby Herbert Hartel$vpp. 61-89 464 0$1001UON00020507$12001 $aˆAn ‰Attempt to Estimate the Distance in Time between Asoka and the Buddha in Terms of Doctrinal History$fby Lambert Schmithausen$vp. 110-147 464 0$1001UON00020524$12001 $aˆEine ‰Bemerkung zur Datierung des Buddha in der mittelpersischen Literatur der Zoroastrier$fvon Werner Sundermann$vp. 334-340 464 0$1001UON00020466$12001 $aˆA ‰Brief Note on the Date of the Historical Buddha and Classical Poetry$fby Siegfried Lienhard$vp. 194-196 464 0$1001UON00020491$12001 $aBu-ston on the date of the Buddha's Nirvana. Translated from his History of the Doctrine (Chos-byun)$fClaus Vogel$vp. 403-414 464 0$1001UON00020506$12001 $aˆThe ‰Buddha and Epicurus$fby Wilhelm Halbfass$vp. 105-109 464 0$1001UON00020535$12001 $aBuddhas Todesjahr nach dem Avadanasataka$fJ.S. Speyer$vp. 422-426 464 0$1001UON00020078$12001 $aˆThe ‰Buddhist Era in the Malalankaravatthu$fby Heinz Braun$vpp. 46-48 464 0$1001UON00020487$12001 $aChiliastic Associations of the Buddha Jayanti$fby Manuel Sarkisyanz$vp. 378-384 464 0$1001UON00020505$12001 $aChinesische Studien zum Datum des Buddha$fvon Chen Yen_hei$vp. 84-104 464 0$1001UON00020540$12001 $aˆThe ‰Chronology of the Early Pali Chronicles of Ceylon$fG.C. Mendis$vp. 445-461 464 0$1001UON00020528$12001 $aComputing dates of the Very Distant Past$eSome Remarks on the Greek and Roman Practice$fby Carl Joachim Classen$vp. 351-364 464 0$1001UON00020538$12001 $aContributions to Singhalese Chronology$fE. Hultzsch$vp. 430-444 464 0$1001UON00020500$12001 $aˆLa ‰Date du Buddha en Corée et au Japon$fpar Hubert Durt$vp. 458-489 464 0$1001UON00020509$12001 $aˆThe ‰Date Gotama Buddha's Parinirvana$fby A.K. Narain$vp. 185-199 464 0$1001UON00020494$12001 $aˆThe ‰Date of Sakyamuni According to Bonpo Sources$fby Per Kvaerne$vp. 415-422 464 0$1001UON00020472$12001 $aˆThe ‰Date of the Buddha - an Open Question of Ancient Indian History$fby Heinz Bechert$vp. 222-236 464 0$1001UON00020486$12001 $aˆDie ‰Datierung des historischen Buddha in der buddhistischen Erneuerungsbewegung/ von Petra Kieffer Pulz$vp. 363-377 464 0$1001UON00020504$12001 $aˆDie ‰Datierungdes historischen Buddha in der abendlandischen Forschungsgeschichte bis 1980$fvon Siglinde Dietz$vp. 11-83 464 0$1001UON00020499$12001 $aˆThe ‰Dating of the Buddha in Chinese Buddhism$fLewis Lancaster$vp. 449-457 464 0$1001UON00020512$12001 $aDating the Buddha$eA Red Herring Revealed$fby Richard Gombrich$vp. 237-262 464 0$1001UON00020518$12001 $aˆDas ‰Datum des Buddha nach mongolischen historischen Texten$fvon Klaus Sagaster$vp. 321-331 464 0$1001UON00020489$12001 $aˆDas ‰datum des Buddha nach tantrischen Texten$fvon Gunter Gronbold$vp. 385-402 464 0$1001UON00020502$12001 $aˆThe ‰Dispute about the Birthdate of the Buddha from a Comparative Civilizational Perspective$fS.N. Eisenstadt$vp. 503-505 464 0$1001UON00020546$12001 $aˆThe ‰Earliest Lithic Reference to Buddha Era$fAbaya Aryasinghe$vp. 525-526 464 0$1001UON00020467$12001 $aEarly Indian References to the Greeks and the First Western References to Buddhism$fby Wilhelm Halbfass$vp. 197-210 464 0$1001UON00020474$12001 $aˆAn ‰Evaluation of the Sources on the date of the Buddha$fby Akira Hirakawa$vp. 252-295 464 0$1001UON00020496$12001 $aGeburts- und Todesjarhr des Buddha Sakyamuni in der zentralasiatischen Uberlieferung$fvon Klaus Rohrborn$vp. 423-425 464 0$1001UON00020456$12001 $aˆDie ‰Genealogie des Buddha und seiner Vorfahren$fvon Ryutaro Tsuchida$vp. 108-131 464 0$1001UON00020475$12001 $aˆA ‰Glimpse into the Problem of the Date of the Buddha$fHajime Nakamura$vp. 296-299 464 0$1001UON00020482$12001 $aInschriftliche Quellen zur Datierung des historischen Buddha in Indien. Die Inschrift aus Bodh-Gaya, datiert in das Jahr 1813 n.N. / von Cornelia Mallebrein$vp. 344- 357 464 0$1001UON00020081$12001 $aJapanese Research on the Date of the Buddha$fby Hajime Nakamura$vpp. 55-60 464 0$1001UON00020536$12001 $aKiribat-Vehera Pillarinscriptio$fDon Martino de Zilva Wickremasinghe$vp. 427-429 464 0$1001UON00020463$12001 $aLinguistic Considerations on the Date of the Buddha$fby Oskar von Hinuber$vp. 183-193 464 0$1001UON00020478$12001 $aˆThe ‰Lists of the Patriarchs in the Northern and Southern Legends$fby Gen'ichi Yamazaki$vp. 313-328 464 0$1001UON00020497$12001 $aManichaean Traditions on the Date of the Historical Buddha$fWerner Sundermann$vp. 426-440 464 0$1001UON00020503$12001 $aMittel- und Nordeuropa um die Zeit des Buddha$eDer religiose Umbruch im barbarischen Europa in der fruhen Eisenzeit$fvon Reinhard Wenskus$vp. 506-522 464 0$1001UON00020462$12001 $aMyth, History and Numerology in the Buddhist Chronicles$fby Gananath Obeyesekere$vp. 152-182 464 0$1001UON00020544$12001 $aNew Light on the Buddhist Era in Ceylon and Early Sinhalese Chronology$fS. Paranavitana$vp. 474-500 464 0$1001UON00020545$12001 $aNew Notes on Asoka and His Successors, II-IV$fP.H.L. Eggermont$vp. 501-524 464 0$1001UON00020079$12001 $aNotes About the Dates of Goutama Buddha's Parinirvana in Hindi Writings$fby Gustav Roth$vpp. 49-54 464 0$1001UON00020510$12001 $aNotes on Some Dates on the Buddha in the Manimekalai$fby Ruth Walldén$vp. 200-207 464 0$1001UON00020513$12001 $aNotes on Some Indian and Tibetan Reckonings of the Buddha's Nirvana and the Duration of the Teaching$fby David Seyfort Ruegg$vp. 263-290 464 0$1001UON00020476$12001 $aObservations on the Dates of the Jina and the Buddha$fby K.R. Norman$vp. 300-312 464 0$1001UON00020498$12001 $aOn Chinese Traditions Concerning the Dates of the Buddha$fby Herbert Franke$vp. 441-448 464 0$1001UON00020534$12001 $aOn the Ceylon date of Gautama's Death$fT.W. Rhys Davids$vp. 401-421 464 0$1001UON00020483$12001 $aOn the Date of the Historical Buddha according to Nepalese Traditions$fby Mahers Raj Pant$vp. 358-362 464 0$1001UON00020480$12001 $aˆThe ‰Origin and the Spread of the Theravada Chronology$fby Heinz Bechert$vp. 329-343 464 0$1001UON00020511$12001 $aPancasati-, "500" or "50" ? - With special reference to the Lotus Sutra$fby Akira Yuyama$vp. 208-236 464 0$1001UON00020508$12001 $aˆDie ‰Puranischen Genealogien und das Datum Buddhas$fvon Heinrich von Stietencron$vp. 148-184 464 0$1001UON00020469$12001 $aQuelques considerations sur le probleme posé par la date du Parinirvana du Buddha$fpar André Bareau$vp. 211-221 464 0$1001UON00020542$12001 $aˆThe ‰Reply (to B.M. Barua )$fG.C. Mendis$vp. 468-473 464 0$1001UON00020076$12001 $aResearch on the Date of the Buddha$esouth Asian Studies Published in Western Languages$fby Jens-Uwe Hartmann$vpp. 27-45 464 0$1001UON00020516$12001 $aSans rgyas bcom ldan 'das sku mya nan las 'das pa'i lo rtsis kyi rnam gzag bzungs so (Tibetische Berechnungen des Parinirvana des Buddha)$fvon Champa Thupten Zongtse$vp. 299-320 464 0$1001UON00020455$12001 $aSome Considerations on the Significance of Buddha's Date for the History of North India$fby Hermann Kulke$vp. 100-107 464 0$1001UON00020527$12001 $aSome remarks on Yu Cheng-hsieh's essay concerning the Date of the Buddha (1833)$fby Erhard Rosner$vp. 341-350 464 0$1001UON00020458$12001 $aˆThe ‰Synchronism of the Buddha and the Jina Mahavira and the Problem of Chronology in Early Jainism$fby Adelheid Mette$vp. 132-137 464 0$1001UON00020515$12001 $aTibetische Quellen zur Datierung des historischen Buddha$fvon Eckart Zabel$vp. 291-298 464 0$1001UON00020520$12001 $aˆEine ‰Tocharische quelle zur Buddha-Datierung$fvon Klaus T. Schmidt$vp. 332-333 464 0$1001UON00020501$12001 $aTraditional Buddhist Chronological Systems$eVietnamese Traditions$fBy Bhikkhu Pasadika$vp. 490-502 464 0$1001UON00020531$12001 $aUber buddha's Todesjahr und einige andere Zeitpunkte in der alteren Geschichte Indiens$fN.L. Westergaard$vp. 366-400 464 0$1001UON00020473$12001 $aˆThe ‰Year of Buddha's Mahaparinirvana$fby P.H.L. Eggermont$vp. 237-251 464 0$1001UON00020541$12001 $aˆThe ‰Year of Commencement of the Buddha Era$fB.M. Barua$vp. 461-467 464 0$1001UON00020460$12001 $aˆThe ‰Year of Mahavira's Decease$fby P.H.L. Eggermont$vp. 138-151 464 0$1001UON00020083$12001 $aˆDer ‰zeitgerschichtliche Hintergrund der Entstehung des buddhismus und seine bedeutung fur die Datierungsfrage$fvon Georg von Simson (con sommario inglese)$vpp. 90-99 510 1$3UON00353777$aˆDie ‰Datierung des historischen Buddha 517 1$3UON00353778$aSymposien zur Buddhismusforschung. 4 606 $aGAUTAMA BUDDHA$xVita$3UONC000649$2FI 606 $aBUDDHISMO$xORIGINI$3UONC007039$2FI 620 $aDE$dGöttingen$3UONL000324 686 $aSI GEN E VII$cSUBCONT. INDIANO - CONGRESSI - RELIGIONE E FILOSOFIA$2A 702 1$aBECHERT$bHeinz$3UONV014015 712 $aVandenhoeck & Ruprecht$3UONV248345$4650 801 $aIT$bSOL$c20240220$gRICA 912 $aUON00019373 950 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$dSI SI GEN E VII 006 (1) $eSI SA 80185 7 006 (1) 950 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$dSI SI GEN E VII 006 (2) $eSI SA 80186 7 006 (2) 996 $aDating of the historical Buddha$91197339 997 $aUNIOR