LEADER 11762nam0 22019091i 450 001 UON00017060 005 20231205102000.250 010 $a81-7320-008-4 100 $a20020107d1994 |0itac50 ba 101 $amul 102 $aIN 105 $a|||| 1|||| 200 1 $aHeritage of India$ePast and Present (Essays in honour of prof. R.K. Sharma)$fEds. P.K. Mishra & S.K. Sullerey 210 $aDelhi$cAgam Kala Prakashan$d1994 215 $a2 v.$d27 cm 311 $app. 507-510$9UON00020809 311 $app. 41-46$9UON00020595 311 $app. 569-578$9UON00020817 311 $app.263 266$9UON00020753 311 $app. 473-478$9UON00020802 311 $app. 272-274$9UON00020757 311 $app. 67-70$9UON00020602 311 $app. 239-242$9UON00020749 311 $app. 243-248$9UON00020750 311 $app. 89-92$9UON00020611 311 $app. 173-176$9UON00020728 311 $app. 31-40$9UON00020591 311 $app. 169-172$9UON00020727 311 $app. 533-538$9UON00020815 311 $app. 235-238$9UON00020748 311 $app. 127-134$9UON00020626 311 $app. 76-78$9UON00020606 311 $app. 381-386$9UON00020767 311 $app. 489-498$9UON00020806 311 $app. 511-526$9UON00020812 311 $app. 25-30$9UON00020588 311 $app. 47-62$9UON00020596 311 $app. 297-300$9UON00020765 311 $app. 229-234$9UON00020747 311 $app. 204-208$9UON00020738 311 $app. 1-12$9UON00020582 311 $app. 145-146$9UON00020725 311 $app. 97-104$9UON00020614 311 $app. 201-204$9UON00020736 311 $app. 395-400$9UON00020769 311 $app. 187-194$9UON00020732 311 $app. 499-506$9UON00020808 311 $app. 443-450$9UON00020794 311 $app. 113-116$9UON00020617 311 $app. 17-24$9UON00020586 311 $app. 79-88$9UON00020610 311 $app. 401-406$9UON00020771 311 $app. 407-422$9UON00020772 311 $app.257-262$9UON00020752 311 $app. 105-106$9UON00020616 311 $app. 225-228$9UON00020745 311 $app. 13-16$9UON00020584 311 $app. 93-96$9UON00020613 311 $app. 117-120$9UON00020620 311 $app. 451-458$9UON00020795 311 $app. 579-590$9UON00020818 311 $app. 107-112$9UON00020619 311 $app.249-256$9UON00020751 311 $app. 527-532$9UON00020814 311 $app. 71-75$9UON00020604 311 $app. 187-194$9UON00020733 311 $app. 177-186$9UON00020731 311 $app. 371-380$9UON00020766 311 $app. 479-488$9UON00020803 311 $app. 209-216$9UON00020741 311 $app. 423-430$9UON00020789 311 $app. 539-544$9UON00020816 311 $app. 135-144$9UON00020724 311 $app. 121-126$9UON00020622 311 $app. 267-270$9UON00020755 311 $app. 217-220$9UON00020742 311 $app. 63-66$9UON00020599 311 $app. 221-224$9UON00020743 311 $app. 165-168$9UON00020726 311 $app. 275-284$9UON00020763 311 $app. 285-286$9UON00020764 316 $aSI GEN D I 21 (1)$5IT-UONSI SIGEND I/021 316 $aSI GEN D I 21 (2)$5IT-UONSI SIGEND I/021 464 0$1001UON00020809$12001 $aAbhinavagupta's Concept of Aesthetic Experiences and the Tradition of Siva$fSusmita Pande$vpp. 507-510 464 0$1001UON00020595$12001 $aArchaeological Potentiality of the Caves in West Bengal and Bihar$fBiswanath Samanta$vpp. 41-46 464 0$1001UON00020817$12001 $aArchaeological Sources and Recent Trends in the writing of South Indian History$fAloka Parasher$vpp. 569-578 464 0$1001UON00020753$12001 $aArt of Ajanta Paintings$fR.g. Pandeya$vpp.263 266 464 0$1001UON00020802$12001 $aAsika (Hansi)$eAn ancient Centre of Jaina Religion and Learning$fH.A. Phadke$vpp. 473-478 464 0$1001UON00020757$12001 $aˆThe ‰Asvamukhi Jataka at Sanchi and Bodhgaya$fM. Rao$vpp. 272-274 464 0$1001UON00020602$12001 $aBoneswar Danga$eA Chalcolithic site in West Bengal$fDilip Roy$vpp. 67-70 464 0$1001UON00020749$12001 $aˆA ‰Bronze Siddha-Cakra from Punjab$fDevendra Handa$vpp. 239-242 464 0$1001UON00020750$12001 $aChandella Kings in Khajurao Art$fAlok Tripathi$vpp. 243-248 464 0$1001UON00020611$12001 $aChemical Treatment and Preservation of Copper Coins$fD.K. Mathur$vpp. 89-92 464 0$1001UON00020728$12001 $aCurrency in Nagpur Province 1855-1863$fJ. P. Mishra$vpp. 173-176 464 0$1001UON00020591$12001 $aDoksina Kosala - A Geographical Study$fSudhakar Pandey$vpp. 31-40 464 0$1001UON00020727$12001 $aEarly coins of Orissa$fP.K. Mishra$vpp. 169-172 464 0$1001UON00020815$12001 $aEarly Phases of the Gorakshan Movement in C.P. and Berar$fK.N. Sinha$vpp. 533-538 464 0$1001UON00020748$12001 $aEarly terracotta Images of Karttikeya in the Allahabad Museum$fRajiv Kumar Trivedi$vpp. 235-238 464 0$1001UON00020626$12001 $aˆAn ‰Endowment of Laukika- The Layman$fS.P. Tewari$vpp. 127-134 464 0$1001UON00020606$12001 $aExcavations at Patan$fS.R. Mishra$vpp. 76-78 464 0$1001UON00020767$12001 $aExperiments in Judicial Administration in Sagar and Narmada Territories (1818 to 1861 A.D.)$fM.A. Khan & Ati Priya Chauhan$vpp. 381-386 464 0$1001UON00020806$12001 $aˆA ‰Facet of Female Exploitation$eDevadasis in Ancient India$fMonolina Bhattacharyya$vpp. 489-498 464 0$1001UON00020812$12001 $aFamous Panditas of the Buddhist Universities of Early India$fAnant Kumar$vpp. 511-526 464 0$1001UON00020588$12001 $aGeographical Horizon of Kalidasa$fK.D. Bajpai$vpp. 25-30 464 0$1001UON00020596$12001 $aHarappan Trade and Contacts$eA Resurvey of Evidence$fVijay Kumar Thakur$vpp. 47-62 464 0$1001UON00020765$12001 $aˆThe ‰Holy Shoes$fL.N. Pachori$vpp. 297-300 464 0$1001UON00020747$12001 $aˆThe ‰Image of Siva from Tala$fL.S. Nigam$vpp. 229-234 464 0$1001UON00020738$12001 $aˆAn ‰Interesting Krsnapradhana Dasavatara Upasya Image from Sagtala, Gujarat$fV.H. Sonawane$vpp. 204-208 464 0$1001UON00020582$12001 $aJabalpur - The Origin and Significance of the Name$fV. S. Pathak$vpp. 1-12 464 0$1001UON00020725$12001 $aJambai Inscription of the Rajaraja Chola-I$fS. Swaminathan$vpp. 145-146 464 0$1001UON00020614$12001 $aKarnataka Epigraphy and Folklore$fS.S. Ramachandra Murthy$vpp. 97-104 464 0$1001UON00020736$12001 $aKirti-stambha: A symbol of Everlasting Fame of Maharana Kumbha$fB.M. Jawalia$vpp. 201-204 464 0$1001UON00020769$12001 $aMalava and Karnataka$eSome Political Incursions$fA.V. Narasimha Murthy$vpp. 395-400 464 0$1001UON00020732$12001 $aMangaladevi and other temples at Kagpur$fB.L. Nagarch$vpp. 187-194 464 0$1001UON00020808$12001 $aMarriageable Age in Ancient India$fM.R. Sharma$vpp. 499-506 464 0$1001UON00020794$12001 $aMaterial Milieu of Srisukta$fRaghavendra Vajpeyi$vpp. 443-450 464 0$1001UON00020617$12001 $aMausahania Copper Plate Grant of Hammiravarman Chandella$fK.L. Agrawal and A.L. Pathak$vpp. 113-116 464 0$1001UON00020586$12001 $aMeasurement of Distances in Ancient India$fIshwar Sharan Vishwakarma$vpp. 17-24 464 0$1001UON00020610$12001 $aMegalithic Culture of the Godavari and Vidarbha Regions$fP.R. Murthy$vpp. 79-88 464 0$1001UON00020771$12001 $aMilitant Nationalism of the Home Rule Movement$fD.K. Joshi$vpp. 401-406 464 0$1001UON00020772$12001 $aNehru's Thoughts on Indian Philosophy and Religion$fRachna Mehrotra$vpp. 407-422 464 0$1001UON00020752$12001 $aNewly discovered Rock Paintings of Satpura National Park$fP. Masih$vpp.257-262 464 0$1001UON00020616$12001 $aˆA ‰Note on Tamil Cave Brahmi Record$fM.D. Sampath$vpp. 105-106 464 0$1001UON00020745$12001 $aˆA ‰Note on the Panchayatana Siva Linga in the Indian Museum of Calcutta$fS.K. Sullerey$vpp. 225-228 464 0$1001UON00020584$12001 $aˆThe ‰Oldest Map of India$fS.V. Sohoni$vpp. 13-16 464 0$1001UON00020613$12001 $aPlea for Tradition-Backed Reforms in Brahmi Based Script$fAjay Mitra Shastri$vpp. 93-96 464 0$1001UON00020620$12001 $aˆA ‰Portrait Coin of Yajna Satakarni from Gopalpur$fM.C. Choubey$vpp. 117-120 464 0$1001UON00020795$12001 $aProstitutes in Katha-Saritasagara of Somadeva$fC.M. Agrawal$vpp. 451-458 464 0$1001UON00020818$12001 $aˆThe ‰Rajyavardhana Murder Case$fShankar Goyal$vpp. 579-590 464 0$1001UON00020619$12001 $aRein Copper Plate Inscription of Govinda Chandra (Vikram) Year 1188$fA.K. Singh$vpp. 107-112 464 0$1001UON00020751$12001 $aRhythmic Feats of Indian Gods as Reflected in Indian Art$fSudha Malaiya$vpp.249-256 464 0$1001UON00020814$12001 $aRiksha$eAn Ancient Tribe of Vindhyachal$fShiv Kumar Tiwari$vpp. 527-532 464 0$1001UON00020604$12001 $aRock Art Discoveries Around Gwalior$fR.P. Pandey$vpp. 71-75 464 0$1001UON00020733$12001 $aRock-cut icons of Gadhelna - A study$fC.B. Trivedi$vpp. 187-194 464 0$1001UON00020731$12001 $aRock-cut Temple at Vasavi$fD. Dayalan$vpp. 177-186 464 0$1001UON00020766$12001 $aˆThe ‰Role of Queen in Ancient Indian Polity$fSukla Das$vpp. 371-380 464 0$1001UON00020803$12001 $aRole of the Lotus Sutra in Twenty First Century$fLokesh Chandra$vpp. 479-488 464 0$1001UON00020741$12001 $aSaiva Images in Khairagarth Museum - A Critical Study$fShiwa Kant Dwivedi$vpp. 209-216 464 0$1001UON00020789$12001 $aSarojini Naidu (1879-1949)$eAn Eloquent Pleader of the Cause of Indian Women$fG.D. Shukla$vpp. 423-430 464 0$1001UON00020816$12001 $aˆA ‰Seminar to Agriculture-Legacy of Sam Higginbottom (1904-1905)$fPramond Mehra$vpp. 539-544 464 0$1001UON00020724$12001 $aSeyyur Temples$eAn Inscriptional Study$fS. Rajavelu$vpp. 135-144 464 0$1001UON00020622$12001 $aˆThe ‰Socio-Religious and Economic Position of the Dommaras in Medieval Andhra as Represented by the Epigraphs$fM. Krishna Kumari$vpp. 121-126 464 0$1001UON00020755$12001 $aSubjugation of Nalagiri by the Buddha$fB.N. Misra$vpp. 267-270 464 0$1001UON00020742$12001 $aThree Interesting Forms of Parvati/Gauri$fJ.P. Joshi$vpp. 217-220 464 0$1001UON00020599$12001 $aTwin Headed Double Axe$eAn Addition to the Copper Hoard Family$fPranab K. Chattopadhyay$vpp. 63-66 464 0$1001UON00020743$12001 $aˆA ‰Unique goddess Image of with two Boar-faces$fP.K. Agrawala$vpp. 221-224 464 0$1001UON00020726$12001 $aˆA ‰Unique Seal from Vidisha$fChandrashekhar Gupta$vpp. 165-168 464 0$1001UON00020763$12001 $aˆThe ‰Women-Painter in Mithila$fUpendra Thakur$vpp. 275-284 464 0$1001UON00020764$12001 $aWood Carvings of Orissa$fKalyan Kumar Dasgupta$vpp. 285-286 606 $aINDIA$xCULTURA E CIVILTA'$xFESTSCHRIFT$3UONC000452$2FI 620 $aIN$dNew Delhi$3UONL000110 686 $aSI GEN D I$cSUBCONT. INDIANO - STUDI IN ONORE DI - GENERALIA$2A 702 1$aMISHRA$bP. K.$3UONV014093 702 1$aSHARMA$bR. K.$3UONV014092 702 1$aSULLEREY$bS.K.$3UONV014094 712 $aAgam Kala$3UONV245847$4650 801 $aIT$bSOL$c20240220$gRICA 912 $aUON00017060 950 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$dSI SI GEN D I 021 $eSI SA 80298 7 021 SI GEN D I 21 (1) 950 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$dSI SI GEN D I 021 $eSI SA 80299 7 021 SI GEN D I 21 (2) 996 $aHeritage of India$91195475 997 $aUNIOR