LEADER 09427nam0 22015371i 450 001 UON00000276 005 20231205101843.954 010 $a90-683-1094-1 100 $a20020107d1988 |0itac50 ba 101 $amul 102 $aNL 105 $a|||| 1|||| 200 1 $aˆA ‰green leaf$ePapers in honour of Professor Jes P. Asmussen$fedited by W. Sundermann$gJ. Duchesne-Guillemin$gF. Vahman 210 $aLeiden$cBrill$d1988 215 $aXXVII 547 p., 24 c. di tav.$d24 cm 311 $app. 17-38$9UON00000290 311 $app. 509-520$9UON00000385 311 $app. 211-218$9UON00000336 311 $a403-406$9UON00000351 311 $app. 259-275$9UON00000340 311 $app. 423-432$9UON00000371 311 $app. 443-444$9UON00000372 311 $app. 199-204$9UON00000333 311 $app. 219-236$9UON00000337 311 $app. 83-92$9UON00000319 311 $app. 109-124$9UON00000322 311 $app. 61-62$9UON00000295 311 $app. 535-538$9UON00000387 311 $app. 473-482$9UON00000379 311 $app. 483-488$9UON00000381 311 $app. 407-421$9UON00000370 311 $app. 299-310$9UON00000344 311 $app. 157-172$9UON00000326 311 $app. 101-108$9UON00000321 311 $app. 45-60$9UON00000293 311 $app. 277-282$9UON00000341 311 $app. 237-252$9UON00000338 311 $app. 339-348$9UON00000347 311 $app. 461-472$9UON00000378 311 $app. 189-198$9UON00000332 311 $app. 135-144$9UON00000324 311 $app. 283-288$9UON00000342 311 $app. 39-42$9UON00000291 311 $app. 349-364$9UON00000348 311 $app. 3-11$9UON00000283 311 $app. 73-82$9UON00000299 311 $app. 93-100$9UON00000320 311 $app. 445.456$9UON00000375 311 $app. 289-298$9UON00000343 311 $app. 205-210$9UON00000335 311 $app. 521-534$9UON00000386 311 $app. 489-492$9UON00000382 311 $app. 173-187$9UON00000327 311 $app. 539-548$9UON00000388 311 $app. 125-134$9UON00000323 311 $app. 383-401$9UON00000350 311 $app. 311-316$9UON00000345 311 $app. 145-156$9UON00000325 311 $app. 365-382$9UON00000349 311 $app. 253-258$9UON00000339 311 $app. 13-15$9UON00000288 311 $app. 457-460$9UON00000376 311 $app. 499-508$9UON00000384 311 $app. 63-72$9UON00000296 311 $app. 493-497$9UON00000383 311 $a317-338$9UON00000346 410 1$1001UON00000273$12001 $aActa Iranica$eEncyclopédie permanente des études iraniennes$1300 $aDal 1979 pubblicata dal Centre International d'Etudes Indo-iraniennes di Liegi, poi Peeters$v28 410 1$1001UON00017568$12001 $aActa Iranica. Hommages et Opera Minora$v12 464 0$1001UON00000290$12001 $aAchaimenideninschriften in griechischer literarischer Uberlieferung$fRudiger Schmitt$vpp. 17-38 464 0$1001UON00000385$12001 $aˆThe ‰allegory of Astyages$fA. D. H. Bivar$vpp. 509-520 464 0$1001UON00000336$12001 $aˆDie ‰Anfange der Pasto-Literatur und das Peta Xazana$fManfred Lorenz$vpp. 211-218 464 0$1001UON00000351$12001 $aˆLes ‰antécédents nestoriens de la Chahada$fPhilippe Gignoux$v403-406 464 0$1001UON00000340$12001 $aApproaches to the translation of persian poetry$fEhsan Yarshater$vpp. 259-275 464 0$1001UON00000371$12001 $aBuddhism and the equality of the four castes$fJ. W. De Jong$vpp. 423-432 464 0$1001UON00000372$12001 $aBuddhist references to old Iranian religion$fChristian Lindtner$vpp. 443-444 464 0$1001UON00000333$12001 $aˆA ‰continuator of judeo-persian literature$fJiri Becka$vpp. 199-204 464 0$1001UON00000337$12001 $aˆAn ‰early Geniza fragment in an unknown Iranian dialect$fShaul Shaked$vpp. 219-236 464 0$1001UON00000319$12001 $aEpistle I, Ch. XI of Manuscihr Yudanyiman$eA critical study$fM. F. Kanga$vpp. 83-92 464 0$1001UON00000322$12001 $aEuphonisches i und der aramäische Emphaticus auf -ya$fWilhelm Eilers$vpp. 109-124 464 0$1001UON00000295$12001 $aGaro-Ùaman$fH. W. Bailey$vpp. 61-62 464 0$1001UON00000387$12001 $aˆA ‰ghazal by Badrun-nisa "Biban"$fFinn Thiesen$vpp. 535-538 464 0$1001UON00000379$12001 $aGrosskonig Darius und sein Untertan$fWalther Hinz$vpp. 473-482 464 0$1001UON00000381$12001 $aˆAn ‰Icelandic manuscript on Iran$fGudrún S. Jakobsdóttir$vpp. 483-488 464 0$1001UON00000370$12001 $aImagery of divine epiphany in Nusairi scriptures$fTord Olsson$vpp. 407-421 464 0$1001UON00000344$12001 $aInitiation into the Zoroastrian priesthood$ePresent parsi practice and an old pahlavi text$fFiroze M. Kotwal$vpp. 299-310 464 0$1001UON00000326$12001 $aˆThe ‰khotanese Hrdayasutra$fProds Oktor Skyærvo$vpp. 157-172 464 0$1001UON00000321$12001 $aˆThe ‰King's Seat in the Fire-Temple$fAhmad Tafazzoli$vpp. 101-108 464 0$1001UON00000293$12001 $aKirdegan$fMichael Back$vpp. 45-60 464 0$1001UON00000341$12001 $aˆThe ‰lady and the scribe$eSome further reflections on Anahit and Tir$fMary Boyce$vpp. 277-282 464 0$1001UON00000338$12001 $aˆThe ‰manuscript tradition of Misbah ul-Arvah and the application of the stemmatic method to New Persian texts$fBo Utas$vpp. 237-252 464 0$1001UON00000347$12001 $aMarcion's reading of Gal. 4,8$ePhilosophical background and influence of Manichaeism$fJ. W. Drijvers$vpp. 339-348 464 0$1001UON00000378$12001 $aMinorities in the history of the Near East$fRichard N. Frye$vpp. 461-472 464 0$1001UON00000332$12001 $aNeologismen in der modernen persischen Schriftsprache$fBozorg Alavi$vpp. 189-198 464 0$1001UON00000324$12001 $aNergol dhspt$fJonas C. Greenfield$vpp. 135-144 464 0$1001UON00000342$12001 $aˆA ‰note on the Magi and Eudemus of Rhodes$fGherardo Gnoli$vpp. 283-288 464 0$1001UON00000291$12001 $aOld Persian vazraka-$fWojciech Skalmowski$vpp. 39-42 464 0$1001UON00000348$12001 $aOn the origin of gnosticism$fJacques Duchesne-Guillemin$vpp. 349-364 464 0$1001UON00000283$12001 $aOn Yasna 32:16 (Gathica XVI)$fGikyo Ito$vpp. 3-11 464 0$1001UON00000299$12001 $aˆDie ‰pahlavi-chinesische Bilingue von Xi'an$fHelmut Humbach$gShiping Wang$vpp. 73-82 464 0$1001UON00000320$12001 $aPahlavica$fMansour Shaki$vpp. 93-100 464 0$1001UON00000375$12001 $aˆDas ‰Pravarana-Sutra in altturkischer Uberlieferung$fPeter Zieme$vpp. 445.456 464 0$1001UON00000343$12001 $aQuestions au sujet du «Temps» de l'Avesta$fSven S. Hartman$vpp. 289-298 464 0$1001UON00000335$12001 $aRemarques sur le fragment Judéo-Persan de Dandan-Uiliq$fGilbert Lazard$vpp. 205-210 464 0$1001UON00000386$12001 $aˆThe ‰rite of Muskil Asan Behram Yazad amongst the Parsis of Navsari, India$fJame s R. Russell$vpp. 521-534 464 0$1001UON00000382$12001 $aSamo$e»Natione Francos«?$fOkatar Klima$vpp. 489-492 464 0$1001UON00000327$12001 $aˆDer ‰Schuler fragt den Lehrer$eEine Sammlung biblischer Ratsel in soghdischer Sprache$fWerner Sundermann$vpp. 173-187 464 0$1001UON00000388$12001 $aˆThe ‰Scythian funeral customs. Some notes on Herodotus IV, 71-75$fFridrik Thorda rson$vpp. 539-548 464 0$1001UON00000323$12001 $aSome verses from the Lankavatasutra in Khotanese$fRonald Eric Emmerick$vpp. 125-134 464 0$1001UON00000350$12001 $aSources on the diffusion of Manichaeism in the Roman Empire$fSamuel N. C. Lieu$vpp. 383-401 464 0$1001UON00000345$12001 $aSur la question dea deux âmes de l'homme dans le Manichéisme$fUgo Bianchi$vpp. 311-316 464 0$1001UON00000325$12001 $aSyro-Sogdica III$eSyriac Elements in Sogdian$fNicholas Sims-Williams$vpp. 145-156 464 0$1001UON00000349$12001 $aˆDas ‰Tor als Symbol im Manichäismus$fHans-Joachim Klimkeit$vpp. 365-382 464 0$1001UON00000339$12001 $aTwo baxtiari prose texts$eStories of the fools$fFereydun Vahman$vpp. 253-258 464 0$1001UON00000288$12001 $aˆUne ‰variation du timbre de l'anaptyse en Vieil-Avestique$fJean Kellens$vpp. 13-15 464 0$1001UON00000376$12001 $aZattumesu, a magus in Babylonia$fM. Dandamayev$gV. Livshits$vpp. 457-460 464 0$1001UON00000384$12001 $aZaza Miscellany$eNotes on some religious customs and institutions$fG. S. Asatrian$gN. Kh. Gevorgian$vpp. 499-508 464 0$1001UON00000296$12001 $aZoroastrian divorce$fBodil Hjerrild$vpp. 63-72 464 0$1001UON00000383$12001 $aZu einigen iranischen Orstnamen bei Ptolemaios$fDieter Weber$vpp. 493-497 464 0$1001UON00000346$12001 $aZum Selbstverständnis des Manichäismus$fAlexander Böhlig$v317-338 606 $aIRANISTICA$3UONC003849$2FI 620 $aNL$dLeiden$3UONL003056 686 $aIRA GEN D I$cIRAN - STUDI IN ONORE DI - GENERALIA$2A 702 1$aDUCHESNE-GUILLEMIN$bJacques$3UONV000100 702 1$aSUNDERMANN$bWerner$3UONV000307 712 $aBrill$3UONV245886$4650 801 $aIT$bSOL$c20240220$gRICA 899 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$2UONSI 912 $aUON00000276 950 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$dSI IRA GEN D I 013 $eSI SA 67716 5 013 996 $aGreen leaf$91186681 997 $aUNIOR