03402nac# 22003493i 450 VAN008195720221202010254.12320110215f |0itac50 baDE|||| |||||b||||||||||Bibliotheca diatomologicaBerlinCramer001VAN00819622001 East african diatomstaxonomy, ecological distributionF. Gasse210 BerlinoCramer1986215 201 p. XLIV c. di tav.23 cm11001VAN00819662001 Freshwater and marine diatoms from Palawana Philippine islandA. C. Podzorski, H. HÃ¥kanssom210 BerlinCramer1987215 244 p.LV c. di tav.23 cm13001VAN00819712001 Diatoms from Viti Levu, Fiji islandNiels Foged210 BerlinCramer1987215 194 p.XXXIII c. di tav.23 cm14001VAN00819742001 Plagiotropis Pfitzer and Tropidoneis Cleve, a summary accountT. B. B. Paddock210 BerlinCramer1988215 152 p. XXXVIII c. di tav.23 cm16001VAN00819832001 Flora of Adak Island, AlaskaBacillariophyceae (Diatoms)Michael Kenneth Hein210 BerlinCramer 1990215 133 p.LIII c. di tav.23 cm21001VAN00819812001 Diatoms from Papua New GuineaWim Vyverman210 BerlinCramer1991215 223 p.CCVIII c. di tav. 23 cm22001VAN00819762001 ˆThe ‰Diatom flora of the Laptev SeaArctic OceanHolger Cremer210 BerlinoCramer1998215 168 p.XL c. di tav.23 cm40001VAN00819772001 Diatoms from the Beaufort Sea coast, southern Arctic Ocean (Canada)modern analogues for reconstructing Late Quaternary environments and relative sea levelsS. Campeau, R. Pienitz, A. Héquette210 BerlinCramer1999215 244 p.ill., with 70 figures, 610 photos on 40 plates1 CD-ROM42001VAN00840542001 Marine Cocconeis Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyceae) species and related taxa from Kerguelen's Land (Austral Ocean, Indian Sector)Catherine Riaux-Gobin, Oscar Romero210 BerlinCramer2003215 188 p., 373 fig., 59 plates, 98 drawingsill.22 cm.47001VAN00819822001 Marine and non-marine diatoms from the Haida Gwaii Archipelago and surrounding coasts, Northeastern Pacific, CanadaReinhard Pienitz, Daryl Fedje, Michel Poulin210 BerlinCramer2003215 146 p.27 c. di. tav.18 cm48001VAN00819942001 Taxonomic studies of the subgenus Amphora Cleve of the genus Amphora (bacillariophyceae) in JapanTamotsu Nagumo210 BerlinCramer2003215 265 p.106 plates18 cm49001VAN00819952001 ˆThe ‰genus Stauroneis in the Artict and (sub-) Antarctic regionsBart Van de Vijver, Louis Beyens, Horst Lange-Bertalot210 BerlinCramer2004215 317 p.109 plates and 7 tables18 cm51001VAN00840562001 ˆA ‰survey of alveolate species of the diatom genus Coccineis (Ehr.) with remarks on the new section AlveolataeMario De Stefano, Oscar Romero210 BerlinCramer2005215 132 p., 35 plates and 5 tablesill.22 cm.52BerlinVANL000066CramerVANV112720650ITSOL20221209RICAVAN0081957Bibliotheca diatomologica1776673UNISOB