01209cam0 22002893 450 SOB01932320210603085403.0904111275820040211d2000 |||||ita|0103 baengNLDelegated legislation and the role of committees in the ECed. Mads Andenas, Alexandre TürkThe HagueLondonBostonKluwer Law International2000XII, 428 p.24 cmCentre of European law King's College LondonStudies in law4001LAEC000185012001 *Centre of European law King's College London : Studies in law4Andenas, MadsAF00018926070Turk, AlexanderAF00018927070ITUNISOB20210603RICAUNISOBUNISOBFondo|Cofin113514SOB019323M 102 Monografia moderna SBNMFondo|Cofin001055Si113514CofinacquistobethUNISOBUNISOB20080410071148.020210603085403.0menlePer le modalità di consultazione vedi home page della Biblioteca link FondiDelegated legislation and the role of committees in the EC58919UNISOB