00937cam0 2200265 450 E60020005396020200601165647.020090924d1960 |||||ita|0103 bafreFRSaharaEt communautéMarc-Robert ThomasAvant-propos de Jacques SoustellePréface de Michel-Henry FabreParisPresses Universitaires de France1960298 p.23 cmThomas, Marc-RobertA600200056979070484808Soustelle, JacquesA600200056981070Fabre, Michel-HenryA600200056982070ITUNISOB20200601RICAUNISOBUNISOB91014375E600200053960M 102 Monografia moderna SBNM910000424Si14375acquistovittoriniUNISOBUNISOB20090924100514.020200601165633.0AlfanoSahara1708444UNISOB04134nam 22006975 450 99624821040331620210622024449.01-336-20446-X0-226-35115-710.7208/9780226351155(CKB)3390000000018150(MH)007855101-3(SSID)ssj0000559489(PQKBManifestationID)11353713(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000559489(PQKBWorkID)10567991(PQKB)11599093(MiAaPQ)EBC3038772(DE-B1597)523663(OCoLC)1058494062(DE-B1597)9780226351155(dli)HEB04512(MiU)MIU01000000000000009797289(EXLCZ)99339000000001815020200424h19991998 fg 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrRoyal Representations Queen Victoria and British Culture, 1837-1876 /Margaret HomansChicago :University of Chicago Press,[1999]©19981 online resource (xxxvii, 283 p. )ill. ;Women in Culture and SocietyBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-226-35114-9 0-226-35113-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Figures --Foreword --Acknowledgments --Introduction: The Queen s Agency --1. QUEEN VICTORIA'S SOVEREIGN OBEDIENCE --2. QUEEN VICTORIA'S WIDOWHOOD AND THE MAKING OF VICTORIAN QUEENS --3. THE WIDOW AS AUTHOR AND THE ARTS AND POWERS OF CONCEALMENT --4. QUEEN VICTORIA'S MEMORIAL ARTS --Epilogue: Empire of Grief --Notes --IndexQueen Victoria was one of the most complex cultural productions of her age. In Royal Representations, Margaret Homans investigates the meanings Victoria held for her times, Victoria's own contributions to Victorian writing and art, and the cultural mechanisms through which her influence was felt. Arguing that being, seeming, and appearing were crucial to Victoria's "rule," Homans explores the variability of Victoria's agency and of its representations using a wide array of literary, historical, and visual sources. Along the way she shows how Victoria provided a deeply equivocal model for women's powers in and out of marriage, how Victoria's dramatic public withdrawal after Albert's death helped to ease the monarchy's transition to an entirely symbolic role, and how Victoria's literary self-representations influenced debates over political self-representation. Homans considers versions of Victoria in the work of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, George Eliot, John Ruskin, Margaret Oliphant, Lewis Carroll, Alfred Lord Tennyson, and Julia Margaret Cameron.Women in culture and society.MonarchyGreat BritainHistory19th centuryQueensGreat BritainBiographyQueens in literatureQueens in artGreat BritainCivilization19th centuryGreat BritainHistoryVictoria, 1837-1901queen victoria, victorian england, literature, art, agency, representation, women, gender, power, sovereignty, death, widow, monarchy, self, marriage, wife, head of state, elizabeth barrett browning, george eliot, john ruskin, margaret oliphant, lewis carroll, alfred lord tennyson, julia cameron, poetry, painting, mother, courtship, motherhood, maternity, obedience, privacy, spectacle, photography, domesticity, reform bill, albert memorials, grief, empire, idylls the king, alice in wonderland, loss, miss marjoribanks, queens gardens.MonarchyHistoryQueensQueens in literature.Queens in art.941.081Homans Margaretauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut214673DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK996248210403316Royal Representations2353928UNISA