00916cam0 2200277 450 E60020000789620210901072540.020041126d1987 |||||ita|0103 baengGBTess of the D'UrbervillesTerence WrightHoundmillsMacmillan Publishers1987VIII, 82 p.22 cmDono CorradoWright, TerenceA600200029323070251420ITUNISOB20210901RICAUNISOBUNISOB820111042UNISOBE600200007896M 102 Monografia moderna SBNM820002502Si111042dono CorradobethUNISOBUNISOB20041126081607.020150604092639.0AlfanocapocellivascaUNISOBUNISOB20050228095024.020050228095031.0vascaTess of the D'Urbervilles1670362UNISOB01504nam 2200337Ia 450 99639711280331620221108011431.0(CKB)4940000000062563(EEBO)2240877214(OCoLC)52211865(EXLCZ)99494000000006256320030509d1685 uy 0engurbn||||a|bb|The life and acts of the most famous and valiant champion, Sir William Wallace Knight of Ellerslie. Maintainer of the liberty of Scotland[electronic resource] With a preface containing a short sum of the history of that timeGlasgow Printed by Robert Sanders, one of His Majesties printersAnno. Dom. 1689[32], 298 pIn verse."... writting in Latine by Master John Blair, chaplain to Wallace, and turned into Scots meeter by one called Blind Hary..."--p. [4]Numerous errors in pagination.Imperfect: stained, tightly bound with some loss of text.Reproduction of the original in the National Library of Scotland.eebo-0097ScotlandHistory13th centuryPoetryHenrythe Minstrel,fl. 1470-1492.1004477EAEEAEBOOK996397112803316The life and acts of the most famous and valiant champion, Sir William Wallace Knight of Ellerslie. Maintainer of the liberty of Scotland2375136UNISA