01203nas0 22002893i 450 UFI005916420240712063336.00044-8028P000064468P 20140723b19701976||||0itac50 baengusa|u||||||||z01i xxxe z01nJournal of the waterways harbors and coastal engineering divisionAmerican society of civil engineers, Waterways harbors and coastal engineering divisionV. 96, n. 3 (Apr. 1970)-v. 102, n. 4 (Nov. 1976)New YorkASCE1970-19767 v.ill.21 cm.001PUV01103282001 Journal of the waterways and harbors division001UFI00592652001 Journal of the waterway port coastal and ocean divisionAmerican society of civil engineers, Waterway port coastal and ocean divisionAmerican society of civil engineers : Waterways harbors and coastal engineering divisionUFIV028837ITIT-NA007920140723UFI0059164 01Journal of the Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division791485UNISANNIO