01129nam0 22003013i 450 TSA117833620240906063419.0978047045798620120910d2009 ||||0itac50 baengusz01i xxxe z01nCommon errors in statistics (and how to avoid them)P.I. Good, J.W. Hardin. 3. edHoboken (New Jersey)Wiley©2009XIII, 273 p.ill.24 cm.StatisticaFIRNAPC006928I519.5STATISTICA MATEMATICA21Good, Phillip I.MILV137987070102489Hardin, James WilliamTSAV237906070281746Good, PhillipUFIV146288Good, Phillip I.ITIT-NA007920120910IT-BN0095 TSA1178336Biblioteca Centralizzata di Ateneo1 v. 01M/S (C) 22 865 01C 0800228655 B 1 v.D 2012091020120910 01Common errors in statistics (and how to avoid them821082UNISANNIO