04880nam 22006975 450 99646668120331620200706031053.03-540-39134-710.1007/3-540-13911-7(CKB)1000000000230393(SSID)ssj0000321332(PQKBManifestationID)12133176(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000321332(PQKBWorkID)10263538(PQKB)10096080(DE-He213)978-3-540-39134-0(PPN)155234773(EXLCZ)99100000000023039320121227d1985 u| 0engurnn|008mamaatxtccrApplications of Field Theory to Statistical Mechanics[electronic resource] Proceedings of the Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics Sitges, Barcelona/Spain, June 10–15, 1984 /edited by L. Garrido1st ed. 1985.Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin Heidelberg :Imprint: Springer,1985.1 online resource (VIII, 355 p. 3 illus.) Lecture Notes in Physics,0075-8450 ;216Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-540-13911-7 Prologue A functional perturbative approach to the classical statistical mechanics -- The structure and statistical mechanics of glass -- The statistical mechanics of surfaces -- Surface effects in phase transitions -- On the Ising spin glass I. Mean field -- On the Ising spin glass II. Fluctuations -- The wetting transition -- Grassmann variables and supersymmetry in the theory of disordered systems -- Rigorous studies of critical behavior -- Anderson transition and nonlinear ?-model -- Non-perturbative renormalisation in field theory -- Stochastlc quantization: Regularization and renormalization -- Self avoiding random walk and the renormalisation group -- Field theory of the metal-insulator transitions in restricted symmetries -- Surface tension and supercooling in solidification theory -- Order and frustration on a random topography -- On the equation ?? = ?2sinh ? and its applications -- The uses of Zeta-function regularization in the dielectric gauge theory of quark confinement -- One dimensional Heisenberg Ferromagnet equation and the Painleve test -- Nonlinear crystal growth near the roughening-transition -- The dynamics of bose-einstein condensation -- Decay properties of correlations in massless models : The method of correlation inequalities -- Nonasymptotic critical phenomena -- Large n expansions for paramagnetic to helical phase transitions -- The maximal chain model— a one dimensional system with a first-order phase transition -- Directed lattice animals and the Yang-Lee-Edge singularity -- Real space renormalization group treatment of superradiance -- Kondo effect in a one dimensional interacting electron system -- Time-dependent nucleation in systems with conserved order parameter -- Mastersymmetries for completely integrable systems in statistical mechanics -- Scaling approach to self-avoiding random walks and surfaces -- Long-time dynamics of coupled non-linear oscillators -- Nonlinear quantum fluctuation-dissipation relations -- Effects of surface exchange anisotropies on critical and multicritical behavior at surfaces -- Dirichlet forms and schrodinger operators.Lecture Notes in Physics,0075-8450 ;216ThermodynamicsStatistical physicsDynamical systemsQuantum computersSpintronicsQuantum physicsThermodynamicshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/P21050Complex Systemshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/P33000Quantum Information Technology, Spintronicshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/P31070Quantum Physicshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/P19080Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systemshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/P19090Thermodynamics.Statistical physics.Dynamical systems.Quantum computers.Spintronics.Quantum physics.Thermodynamics.Complex Systems.Quantum Information Technology, Spintronics.Quantum Physics.Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems.536.7Garrido Ledthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtBOOK996466681203316Applications of Field Theory to Statistical Mechanics2507957UNISA02116nam0 2200361 i 450 RMS152843720250314062748.0883866342420120920d2006 ||||0itac50 baitaitz01i xxxe z01nEconomia e gestione delle impreseFranco Fontana, Matteo Caroli2. edMilanoMcGraw-Hill2006XX, 532 p.24 cm.Collana di istruzione scientifica. Serie di discipline aziendali001RAV02818772001 Collana di istruzione scientifica. Serie di discipline aziendaliEconomia e gestione delle impreseUSM1958281CFIV20084014384ImpreseGestioneFIRNAPC021591I658GESTIONE IN GENERALE21Fontana, Franco <1943- >CFIV20084007089406Caroli, Matteo G.CFIV102945070437332Caroli, MatteoCFIV181400Caroli, Matteo G.Caroli, Matteo GiulianoCFIV365828Caroli, Matteo G.ITIT-NA007920120920IT-BN0095 RMS1528437Biblioteca Centralizzata di Ateneo1 v. in sei copie 01LT (C) 19 B 873 01C 0800198735 B (0006 1 v. (6. copia)Z 20120920201209201 v. 01LT (C) 19 B 720 01C 0800197205 B 1 v.D 2012092020120920 01LT (C) 19 B 721 01C 0800197215 B (bis 1 v. (2. copia)D 2012092020120920 01LT (C) 19 B 722 01C 0800197225 N (ter 1 v. (3. copia)D 2012092020120920 01LT (C) 19 B 871 01C 0800198715 N (0004 1 v. (4. copia)D 2012092020120920 01LT (C) 19 B 872 01C 0800198725 N (0005 1 v. (5. copia)D 2012092020120920 01Economia e gestione delle imprese14384UNISANNIO