01469nam 2200373 n 450 99638807710331620200824121254.0(CKB)1000000000624190(EEBO)2248497109(UnM)99854464e(UnM)99854464(EXLCZ)99100000000062419019920723d1606 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|The blame of kirk-buriall, tending to persvvade cemiteriall ciuilitie[electronic resource] First preached, then penned, and now at last propyned to the Lords inheritance in the Presbyterie of Lanerk, by M. William Birnie the Lord his minister in that ilk, as a pledge of his zeale, and care of that reformationEdinburgh Printed by Robert Charteris printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie1606[48] pSignatures: A-F⁴.Reproduction of the original in the University of Edinburgh. Library.eebo-0046BurialEarly works to 1800Funeral rites and ceremoniesEarly works to 1800BurialFuneral rites and ceremoniesBirnie William1563-1619.1013661Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996388077103316The blame of kirk-buriall, tending to persvvade cemiteriall ciuilitie2358181UNISA01317nam0 22003493i 450 RMS136068120250314062748.00470857501047085751X9780470857502hbk9780470857519pbk20111202d2005 ||||0itac50 baenggbz01i xxxe z01n˜A œclimate modelling primerKendall McGuffie and Ann Henderson-Sellers3. edChichesterWileyc2005XV, 280 p.ill.23 cm1 CD-ROMClimatologiaModelli matematiciFIRNAPC258986I551.6CLIMATOLOGIA E TEMPO ATMOSFERICO14551.6015118CLIMATOLOGIA E TEMPO ATMOSFERICO. Modelli matematici22McGuffie, K.MILV241257070771686Henderson-Sellers, AnnMILV109855070771687ITIT-NA007920111202IT-BN0095 RMS1360681Biblioteca Centralizzata di Ateneo1 v. + 1 CD-ROM1 v. + 1 CD-ROM 01TEDASS 551.6 MCG.cl 0102 0000089935 N A4 1 v. (rist. 2008) + 1 CD-ROM3 2011110420111202 01Climate modelling primer1574881UNISANNIO