01001nam1 22002773i 450 RMS106972520240531062816.020231121g19441945||||0itac50 baengusz01i xxxe z01nFundamentals of the theory of statisticsby James G. Smith and Acheson J. DuncanNew YorkLondonMcGraw-Hill Book company1944-19452 v., tab.21 cm.001UMC05703172001 ˜1: œElementary statistics and applicationsby James G. Smith and Acheson J. Duncan1519.5STATISTICA MATEMATICA23Smith, James GeraldTESV016081102913ITIT-NA007920231121IT-BN0095 RMS1069725Biblioteca Centralizzata di Ateneov. 1v. 1 01POZZO LIB.F. PARRAVICINI 6281 01Fundamentals of the theory of statistics3591908UNISANNIO