01574nam 2200385 n 450 99639254780331620200824121745.0(CKB)4940000000107877(EEBO)2240903997(UnM)99862410e(UnM)99862410(EXLCZ)99494000000010787719921029d1647 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|The ladies, a second time, assembled in Parliament[electronic resource] A continuation of the Parliament of ladies. Their votes, orders, and declarations. Die Martis August 2. 1647. Ordered by the ladies assembled in Parliament, that these their votes, orders, and declarations, be forthwith printed and published. T. Temple Cler. Mrs Martha Peele Messenger[London s.n.]Printed in the yeare 1647[2], 12 pAttributed to Henry Neville by Wing.Place of publication from Wing.Annotation on Thomason copy: "7ber 13 London".Reproduction of the original in the British Library.eebo-0018Political satire, English17th centuryGreat BritainPolitics and government1642-1649FictionEarly works to 1800Political satire, EnglishNeville Henry1620-1694.790969Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996392547803316The ladies, a second time, assembled in Parliament2369239UNISA01464nam0 22003373i 450 CFI018524420250307062344.08842036935978884203693719920510d1990 ||||0itac50 baitaitz01i xxxe z01nEuropa a confrontoinnovazione, tecnologia, societàa cura di Antonio RubertiRoma [ecc.]Laterza1990VI, 543 p.22 cmStoria e società001CFI00000362001 Storia e societàEuropaCondizioni economiche e socialiFIRNAPC002665IEUROPAFIRNAPC002667ITecnologiaSocietàEuropaFIRNAPC288960ISviluppo economico e progresso tecnologicoPaesi della Comunità Economica EuropeaFIRNAPC283433IRuberti, Antonio <1927-2000>CFIV060214340ITIT-NA007919920510IT-BN0095 IT-NA0299 IT-AV0007 IT-NA0457 IT-NA0079 IT-NA0070 IT-NA0452 IT-AV0045 CFI0185244Biblioteca Centralizzata di Ateneo1 v. 01POZZO LIB.ECON MON 4329 0101 0000121855 B 1 v.N 2021031820210318 01 AG AV BI BN BU IS MVEuropa a confronto501387UNISANNIO