01964nam 2200421 n 450 99639271680331620200824121657.0(CKB)4940000000113343(EEBO)2240888802(UnM)ocm99885472e(UnM)99885472(EXLCZ)99494000000011334319970205d1688 uh engurbn||||a|bb|James the Second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, &c[electronic resource] ... Whereas by our letters patents, bearing date the fifth day of March, in the second year of our reign, we were pleased to signifie our royal pleasure, to all our loving subjects, on the behalf of the distressed French Protestants ..In the Savoy: [i.e. London] Printed by Thomas Newcomb, one of His Majesties Printers.1687/8. [i.e. 1688]1 sheet ([1] p.)Title from opening words of text."Witness our self at Westminster, the one and thirtieth day of January, in the third year of our reign.""Brief for a collection for French Protestants"--Steele.Initial; Steele notation: Ireland, Whereas whole; Arms 107.Reproduction of original in the British Library.eebo-0018BroadsidesEnglandLondonEarly works to 1800HuguenotsEnglandEarly works to 1800Religious refugeesEnglandEarly works to 1800Great BritainHistoryJames II, 1685-1688Early works to 1800BroadsidesHuguenotsReligious refugeesCu-RivESCu-RivESCu-RivESBOOK996392716803316James the Second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, &c2299555UNISA01586nam0 2200361 i 450 CFI005112520250307062311.08814010730IT88-4205 20220810d1987 ||||0itac50 baitaitz01i xxxe z01nCodice del diritto del consumo e dell'utenza\a cura di! Gustavo Ghidini, Paolo Mariottiprefazione di Carlo Ripa di MeanaMilanoA. Giuffrè1987XIX, 943 p.17 cmNella pagina contro il front.: Movimento consumatori; Centro documentazione e studi diritto del consumo.343.45055DIRITTO TRIBUTARIO. IMPOSTE SUI CONSUMI E SUL FATTURATO. ITALIA23Ghidini, GustavoCFIV032754Mariotti, Paolo <1950- >CFIV032758ItaliaCFIV000475070423419Repubblica italianaCFIV373023ItaliaRegno d'Italia <1861-1946>CFIV373024ItaliaItalia <Regno ; 1861-1946>CFIV373025ItaliaItalia <Repubblica ; 1946- >CFIV373026ItaliaITIT-NA007920220810IT-BN0095 CFI0051125Biblioteca Centralizzata di Ateneo1 v.1 v. 01POZZO LIB.ECON MON 7676 0101 0060083525 B 1 v. (Precedente collocazione GHI 3434507102632)N 2022081020220810 01Codice del diritto del consumo e dell'utenza961864UNISANNIO