02793nam0 2200409 i 450 BVEE02102620170908093210.036i- 02ad dog- vese (3) 1599 (R)fei20090116d1599 ||||0itac50 baitaitz01i xxxe z01nDella perfettione della vita politica di M. Paolo Paruta nobile vinetiano, ... Libri tre. A' quali vi sono state aggiunte le postille ne' margini, & ampliati gli indiciIn Venetiaappresso Domenico Nicolini1599[48], 479,[1] p.4ºMarca (U443) sul frontIniziali e fregi xilCors. ; romSegn.: a-f⁴ A-3O⁴. 1 v.IT-CE0009, SALA F F.1 4.241 v. Leg. in mezza pelle; sul dorso, decorato, A., tit., data, fregi e iniziali L. L. B. in oro; taglio spruzzato. Sul front. nota ms di possesso "Lor. (?) Lizio Bruno" e altra, precedente, sbiadita "Di Demetrio Serratura"IT-NA0120, NICOLINI XVI 06681 v.IT-NA0075, A 26 0119VeneziaSBLL003553Paruta, Paolo <1540-1598>CFIV087270070176953Nicolini da Sabbio, DomenicoBVEV019609650Nicolini, DomenicoBVEV054479Nicolini da Sabbio, DomenicoITIT-NA007920090116IT-CE0009IT-NA0120IT-NA0075BVEE021026PALM000020Vittoria (donna alata tiene nelle mani una corona d'alloro e un ramo di palma). in cornice figurata. Motto: Nisi qui legitime certaveritU443Sul front. Biblioteca Arcivescovile Cardinale Francesco Serra di Cassano1 v. CMSALA F F.1 4.24 CM 0000149085 B 1 v.Z 2014093020140930Istituto italiano per gli studi storici1 v.1 v. CRNICOLINI XVI 0668 CR 0000554185 B 1 v. Leg. in mezza pelle; sul dorso, decorato, A., tit., data, fregi e iniziali L. L. B. in oro; taglio spruzzato. Sul front. nota ms di possesso "Lor. (?) Lizio Bruno" e altra, precedente, sbiadita "Di Demetrio Serratura"Z 2009011620090116Biblioteca statale oratoriana dei Girolamini1 v. GEA 26 0119 GE 0000008525 B 1 v.N 2012020720120207 CM CR GEDella perfettione della vita politica di M. Paolo Paruta nobile vinetiano, ... Libri tre. A' quali vi sono state aggiunte le postille ne' margini, & ampliati gli indici1480450UNISANNIO02818nam 2200505 n 450 99639458800331620200824120726.0(CKB)3810000000009009(EEBO)2240885679(UnM)99827063e(UnM)99827063(EXLCZ)99381000000000900919950126d1677 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|The art of measuring[electronic resource] containing the decription and explanation of the carpenters new rule. Furnished with variety of scales, fitted for the more speedy mensuration of superficies and solids. Written by Sam. Foster, sometime Professor of Astronomy in Gresham Colledge. Also, certain geometrical problems, a table of logarithms to 10000, and some uses of the same exemplified in arithmetick and geometry; but more particularly applied to the mensuration of superficies and solids, as board, glass, pavement, wainscot, plaistering, tyling, timber, stone, brick-work and gauging of cask. The second edition with additions, by W. Leybourn. To which is added, A supplement, being the description of the line of numbers, with its use in divers practical examples of mensuration: of singular use for work-men, artificers, and other ingenious persons delighting therein. By John Wiblin, carpenterLondon printed for John Williamson, at the Bible in Canon-Street1677[16], 39, [1]; 32, [98], 145-192, 157-162 [i.e. 198]; [2], 44, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates (fold.) illWith illustrated frontispiece."A direction for plain & solid measure by the ordinary 2 foot ruler" has caption title; register and pagination are separate; "A supplement, wherein is contained and plainly demonstrated the use of the scale of logarithms .. by John Wiblin .." has separate dated title page, register and pagination.With a final advertisement leaf.Many pages misnumbered; text is continuous.Reproduction of the original in the British Library.eebo-0018ArithmeticEarly works to 1800AlgebraEarly works to 1800GeometryEarly works to 1800Measuring instrumentsEarly works to 1800Weights and measuresEarly works to 1800ArithmeticAlgebraGeometryMeasuring instrumentsWeights and measuresFoster Samueld. 1652.1001056Leybourn William1021118Wiblin JohnautCu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996394588003316The art of measuring2419042UNISA