00889cam 2200229 i 4500991004329236607536240618t20232023ua a e b 001 0 eng d9782724709216Bibl. Interfacoltà T. PellegrinoitaMehrez, Shahira1740067Costumes of Egypt :The Lost legaciesIDresses of the Nile Valley and its Oases /Shahira Mehrez; Photographs by Mazen Emad; Forword by Ismail SerageldinLe Caire :Institut français d'archéologie orientale,2023XVII, 382 p. :ill. ;33 cmBibliogr. p. [377]-382.Tessuti egizianiEgittoStoriaVestitiEgittoStoriaEmad, MazenSirāǧ al-Dīn, IsmāʿīlBibliothèque générale ;68991004329236607536Costumes of Egypt4165238UNISALENTO