04109nam 2200505z- 450 991055785110332120230221133011.0(CKB)5400000000048302(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/80403(EXLCZ)99540000000004830220202204d2020 |y 0slvurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierTerenski snežni priročnikPriročnik za izvedbo prereza in preizkusa stabilnosti snežne odejeLjubljanaZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC20201 electronic resource (50 p.)961-05-0264-4 961-05-0265-2 Avalanches cause the highest number of fatalities in the Alps, threatening many areas and facilities, as well as transport and communications infrastructure. An integral part of avalanche protection is risk communication and warning, which is within the domain of the avalanche service of the Slovenian Environmental Agency. As part of the ‘Crossrisk Project’, the ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute has prepared a ‘Snow Field Manual’ which will allow for the standardised collection of field data on snow, snow cover and avalanches. This data forms the basis for determining the current avalanche hazard level. The ‘Snow Card’ supplement, which is an integral part of the manual, contains a condensed view of the most important contents and also includes two forms (there are a total of 14 forms in the manual) for entering the snow cover cross-section data. It also includes instructions for preparing and performing cross-sections of snow cover and avalanche tests. All information is provided along with a clear explanation key. Finally, a description of typical avalanche problems and types of avalanche hazards follows. The full applicability of the Snow Field Manual and the Snow Card is achieved by entering the digital data of the cross-section and the avalanche test into the appropriate web application.Snežni plazovi so naravna nesreča, ki v Alpah povzroči največ smrtnih žrtev, ogroža pa tudi številne površine in objekte ter prometno in komunikacijsko infrastrukturo. Sestavni del varstva in zaščite pred snežnimi plazovi je tudi obveščanje in opozarjanje, ki je v domeni lavinske službe, v Sloveniji Agencije Republike Slovenije za okolje. Na Geografskem inštitutu Antona Melika ZRC SAZU smo v okviru projekta Crossrisk pripravili priročnik bo omogočil standardizirano zbiranje terenskih podatkov o snegu, snežni odeji in plazovih, ki so temelj za določitev stopnje nevarnosti proženja snežnih plazov. V priročniku, katerega sestavni del je tudi snežna kartica - na njej sta poleg zgoščenega prikaza najnujnejših vsebin tudi dva obrazca (v priročniku 14) za vnos podatkov o prerezu - so navodila za pripravo in izvedbo prereza snežne odeje ter preizkusa plazovitosti. Pri vseh podatkih je naveden ključ za njihov vnos. Na koncu sledi opis značilnih plazovnih problemov oziroma tipov plazovne nevarnosti. Polno uporabnost snežnega priročnika in kartice dosežemo z e vpisom podatkov o prerezu in preizkusu plazovitosti na ustrezen spletni naslov, na katerem so obrazci v digitalni obliki.Terenski snežni priročnik Terenski snežni priroÄnik MountainsbicsscHydrology & the hydrospherebicsscavalanche hazard testssnow avalanchessnow cover profilemanualspreizkus plazovitostiprerez snežne odejepriročnikisnežni plazoviMountainsHydrology & the hydrosphereVolk Bahun Mancaedt1305906Pavšek MihaedtVolk Bahun MancaothPavšek MihaothBOOK9910557851103321Terenski snežni priročnik3028001UNINA00654nam a2200181 u 450099100430233850753620240108085901.0240108n fr r 2 000 0 fre dBibl. Interfacoltà T. PellegrinoitafrePy, Albert160355Espace de l'avoir, espace de l'être dans les « regrets » de Du Bellay /Albert PyParis :Armand Colin,P. 563-576 ;24 cmEstr. da: Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France991004302338507536Espace de l'avoir, espace de l'être dans les « regrets » de Du Bellay3659415UNISALENTO02209nam 2200541 450 991082473140332120230807221656.01-78348-409-8(CKB)3710000000466391(EBL)2192151(SSID)ssj0001543781(PQKBManifestationID)16133365(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001543781(PQKBWorkID)12822596(PQKB)10639104(MiAaPQ)EBC2192151(EXLCZ)99371000000046639120150423h20152015 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTheorizing Glissant sites and citations /edited by John E. Drabinski and Marisa ParhamNew York :Rowman & Littlefield International,[2015]©20151 online resource (185 p.)Creolizing the canonDescription based upon print version of record.1-78348-408-X 1-78348-407-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1 Glissant's Opacité and the Re-Conceptualization of Identity; 2 In Citation to the Chance; 3 Glissant's Existential Ontology of Difference; 4 Toward a Sexual Difference Theory of Creolization; 5 The Ripening's Epic Realism and the Martinican Tragic Unfulfilled Political Emancipation; 6 Breadfruit, Time and Again; 7 Aesthetics and the Abyss; Marronage between Past and Future; Index; About the Contributors<span><span>This edited collection gathers together leading commentators on the work of Édouard Glissant in order to theorize the philosophical significance of his work.</span></span>Creolizing the canon.Creoles in literatureWest Indies, FrenchIn literatureCreoles in literature.841/.914Drabinski John E.1968-Parham MarisaMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910824731403321Theorizing Glissant4018365UNINA