01099nam a2200265 a 4500991003874959707536 9780198745365b14401514-39ule_instDip.to di Storia, Società e Studi sull'Uomoita341.1 The Oxford handbook on the sources of international law /edited by Samantha Besson and Jean D'Aspremont ; with the assistance of Sévrine KnuchelNew York :Oxford University Press,2017LIV, 1171 p. ;26 cmInclude bibliografia e indice Diritto internazionaleFontiManualiAspremont, Jean : d'Besson, SamanthaKnuchel, Sévrine.b1440151423-09-2005-08-20991003874959707536LE023 341.1 OXF 1 112023000186848le023pE201.70-l- 00000.i1593646623-09-20Oxford handbook on the sources of international law1547919UNISALENTOle02305-08-20ma -engnyu40