01154nam a22002771i 450099100373888970753620230314104323.0040802s1975 ne |||||||||||||||||mul b13120165-39ule_instARCHE-107277ExLBibl. Interfacoltà T. PellegrinoitaA.t.i. Arché s.c.r.l. Pandora Sicilia s.r.l.lateng794.1Vida, Marco Girolamo<1470-1566>354045The game of chess :Marco Girolamo Vidas Scacchia Ludus /with english verse translation and the text of the three earlier versions ; edited with introduction and notes by Mario A. Di CesareNieuwkoop :De Graaf,1975111 p. ;21 cmScacchiDi Cesare, Mario A.Bibliotheca humanistica & reformatorica ;7.b1312016502-04-1405-08-04991003738889707536LE002 Fondo Giudici S 69812002000388438le002C. 1-E0.00-no00000.i1375567505-08-04Game of chess308137UNISALENTOle00205-08-04ma-mulne41