01259nam a2200289 a 4500991003682249707536 9781107561045b1437111x-39ule_instBibl. Dip.le Aggr. Scienze Giuridiche - Sez. Studi Giuridiciita327.09171/6Bandung, global history, and international law :critical pasts and pending futures /edited by Luis Eslava, Michael Fakhri, Vasuki Nesiah ; foreword by Justice Georges Abi-Saab ; epilogue by Partha Chatterjee.Cambridge :Cambridge University Press,2017.XXXII, 701 p. ;24 cm.Diritto internazionaleStoria20. sec.DecolonizzazioneStoria20. sec.Eslava, LuisFakhri, MichaelNesiah, VasukiAbi-Saab, Justice GeorgesChatterjee, Partha.b1437111x22-07-1922-07-19991003682249707536LE027 327.09 ESL01.0112027000347834le027pE37.81-l- 00000.i1589863522-07-19Bandung, global history, and international law1750286UNISALENTOle027 - - ma -enguk 00