01400nam a2200313 i 450099100344874970753620021217151145.0001116s1986 us a b 000 0 eng 0881920576b11810816-39ule_instLE00300744ExLDip.to Biologiaeng581.46722Young, James A.531220Collecting, processing, and germinating seeds of wildland plants /James A. Young & Cheryl G. YoungPortland, Or :Timber Press,c1986236 p. :ill. ;24 cmIncludes bibliographies and indexSeed technologyWild flowersSeedsWoody plantsSeedsYoung, Cheryl G..b1181081619-04-1118-12-02991003448749707536LE003 582.13 YOU01.01 C.1 (1986) [dislocato presso il Laboratorio di Botanica Sistematica, Stanza n. A052]12003000010602le003Referente Ippolito FabioStanza A052 - Palazzina A - Piano Terra-E0.00-l- 012410.i1205995x18-12-02LE003 582.13 YOU01.01 C.2 (1986)22003000009972le003-E0.00-l- 00000.i1205994818-12-02Collecting, processing, and germinating seeds of wildland plants899208UNISALENTOle00301-01-00ma -engus 02