01800cam a2200313 4500991003231999707536940804s1789 enka 000 0 eng db14300941-39ule_instCICOGNARA-A2013-0256ExLBibl. Interfacoltà T. PellegrinoitaenglatDanza della morte.Inglese.243123Emblems of mortality :representing, in upwards of fifty cuts, death seizing all ranks and degrees of people; imitated from a painting in the cemetery of the Dominican church at Basil, in Switzerland: with an apostrophe to each, tr. from the Latin and French ... to which is prefixed a copious preface, containing an historical account of the above, and other paintings on this subject ...London,T. Hodgson,1789.xxviii, 51 p. :front., illus.; 19 x 12 cm."Preface by the editor, J.S. Hawkins". - Brit. mus. Catalogue.Cuts by J. Bewick from Holbein. - Lowndes, Bibliogr. manual.Riproduzione in microfiche dell'originale conservato presso la Biblioteca Apostolica VaticanaHolbein, Hans<1497-1543>Bewick, John<1760-1795>Hawkins John Sidney<1758-1842>Leopoldo Cicognara Program :Biblioteca Cicognara[microform] : literary sources in the history of art and kindred subjectsCatalogo ragionato dei libri d'arte e d'antichità / Leopoldo Cicognara.b1430094101-04-2228-07-16991003231999707536LE002 SB Raccolta Cicognara, mcrf 18930le002 E0.00 no 110000.i1577246928-07-16Danza della morte243123UNISALENTOle00228-07-16mg -engenk01