01697nam a2200277 4500991003132549707536950507s1801 enkc 000 eng b14285848-39ule_instCICOGNARA-3777ExLBibl. Interfacoltà T. PellegrinoitaengReynolds, Joshua,Sir<1723-1792.>216403The works of Sir Joshua Reynolds :knight ... containing his Discourses, Idlers, A journey to Flanders and Holland, and his commentary on Du Fresnoy's art of painting; printed from his revised copies, (with his last corrections and additions.) In three volumes. To which is prefixed An account of the life and writings of the author by Edmond Malone, esq. ...The 3rd ed. corrected.London,Printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies,1801.3 v. :front. (port.); 22 cm.'A chronological list of painters, from the revival of the art to the beginning of the last century [by Thomas Gray]": v. 3, p. 291-323.Riproduzione in microfiche dell'originale conservato presso la Biblioteca Apostolica VaticanaLeopoldo Cicognara Program :Biblioteca Cicognara[microform] : literary sources in the history of art and kindred subjectsCatalogo ragionato dei libri d'arte e d'antichità / Leopoldo Cicognara.b1428584801-04-2228-07-16991003132549707536LE002 SB Raccolta Cicognara, mcrf 1980le002 E0.00 no 110000.i1575713428-07-16Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds1390525UNISALENTOle00228-07-16mg -engenk41