01792nkm a2200313 a 4500991003012429707536940804s1812 enk 000 k eng b14268061-39ule_instCICOGNARA-1258ExLBibl. Interfacoltà T. PellegrinoitaChamberlaine, John<1745-1812>716663Imitations of original drawings by Hans Holbein, in the collection of His Majesty, for the portraits of illustrious persons of the court of Henry VIII.[materiale grafico] .with biographical tracts /Published by John Chamberlaine.London :Printed by W. Bulmer and co.,1812.1 v. (155 stampe) + 155 p. :acquaforte e puntinato :; 330 x 250 mm.Le incisioni sono incisi da diversi artisti.Riproduzione in microfiche dell'originale conservato presso la Biblioteca Apostolica VaticanaHenryVIII,re d'Inghilterra,1491-1547RitrattiHolbein, Hans<1497-1543>Cooper, Richard<c. 1730-1820>Bartolozzi, Francesco<1727-1815>Leopoldo Cicognara Program :Biblioteca Cicognara[microform] : literary sources in the history of art and kindred subjectsCatalogo ragionato dei libri d'arte e d'antichità / Leopoldo Cicognara.b1426806101-04-2228-07-16991003012429707536LE002 SB Raccolta Cicognara, mcrf 12580le002 E0.00 no 110000.i1573897828-07-16Imitations of original drawings by Hans Holbein, in the collection of His Majesty, for the portraits of illustrious persons of the court of Henry VIII1388862UNISALENTOle00228-07-16mk -engenk01