01451nam a22003131i 450099100220279970753620040216181055.0040407m19551979uik|||||||||||||||||lat b1288652x-39ule_instARCHE-086614ExLDip.to Scienze StoricheitaA.t.i. Arché s.c.r.l. Pandora Sicilia s.r.l.876.03Ioannes :Saresberiensis442547The letters of John of SalisburyOxford :Clarendon Press,1955-19792 v. ;23 cmOxford medieval texts1: Theearly letters, 1153-1161 / John of Salisbury ; edited by W. J. Millor and H. E. Butler. - 1955.- LXVII, 306 p. 2:· Thelater letters, 1163-1180 /John of Salisbury ; edited by W. J. Millor and C. N. L. Brooke. - 1979.- LXXXVII, 861 p.Millor, William JamesButler, Harold Edgeworth Brooke, Christopher Nugent Lawrence .b1288652x02-04-1416-04-04991002202799707536LE009 MSM VIII Coll. 15/1412009000252011le009V. 2-E0.00-no 01010.i1344982516-04-04LE009 MSM VIII Coll. 15/2512009000251076le009V. 1-E0.00-no 01010.i1344992816-04-04Letters of John of Salisbury301087UNISALENTOle00916-04-04ma -latuik41