01394nam a22003011i 450099100176549970753620031210130544.0040407s1980 it |||||||||||||||||ita b12820106-39ule_instARCHE-079972ExLDip.to Scienze StoricheitaA.t.i. Arché s.c.r.l. Pandora Sicilia s.r.l.301.36Christaller, Walter32120Le località centrali della Germania meridionale :un'indagine economico-geografica sulla regolarità della distribuzione e dello sviluppo degli insediamenti con funzioni urbane /Walter Christaller ; traduzione di Elisa Malutta e Paola Pagnini ; introduzione di Paola PagniniMilano :F. Angeli,1980342 p. ;22 cmGeografia umanaCittàGermania meridionaleGeografia urbanaPagnini, Maria PaolaMalutta, Elisa.b1282010602-04-1416-04-04991001765499707536LE009 GEOG.14.2-54 bis12009000150706le009-E0.00-l- 00000.i1337014516-04-04LE009 GEOG.14.2-5422009000389779le009-E0.00-l- 00000.i1337015716-04-04Località centrali della Germania meridionale299138UNISALENTOle00916-04-04ma -itait 3200952nam a22002651i 450099100416452970753620020820071105.0020820s1979 uik|||||||||||||||||eng 0416708803b11927604-39ule_instocm00000002ExLDip.to Filologia Ling. e Lett.itaA.t.i. Arché s.c.r.l. Pandora Sicilia s.r.l.Bennett, Tony382022Formalism and Marxism /Tony BennettLondon ;New York :Methuen,1979IX, 200 p. ;19 cmNew accentsMarxistaCriticaFormalisticaCriitica.b1192760428-04-1701-04-03991004164529707536LE008 FL.M. (IN) N 11712008000178130le008-E0.00-l- 00000.i1219944801-04-03Formalism and Marxism78015UNISALENTOle00801-04-03ma -enguik0104653nac# 22003611i 450 UON0010142320231205102554.40420020107f |0itac50 baNL|||| |||||b||||||||||Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science. Series 1. : Amsterdam Classics in LinguisticsGeneral editor Konrad Koerner001UON003362332001 Uber die sprache und die weisheit der indierEin beitrag zur begrundung der altertumskundeFriedrich Schlegelnew edition with an introductory article by Sebastiano Timpanaro (translated from the italian by J. Peter Maher) prepared by E. F. K. Koerner210 AmsterdamJohn Benjamins B. V.1977215 LXXIII, 465 p.23 cm.1001UON002610732001 Einleitung in die Allgemaine Spraschwissenchaft, [1884-1890]. Preceded by the same author's Zur Literatur der Sprachenkunde EuropasAugust Friedrich Pottnewly edited together with a bio-bibliographical sketch of Pott by Paul Hornpreface by E.F.K. Koerner210 AmsterdamBenjamins1974215 XLVI, 502 p.23 cm.10001UON003343172001 Einleitung in die allgemeine SprachwissenschaftProceded by the same author's Zur Literatur der Sprachenkunde EuropasAugust Friedrick Pott210 AmsterdamJohn Benjamins B.V.1974215 XLVI, 502 p.22 cm.10001UON000968882001 Essay on the Principles of TranslationAlexander Fraser Tytler205 New edition210 AmsterdamJohn Benjamins1978215 li, xvi, 457 p.23 cm13001UON003339172001 Grammatical Proof of the Affinity of the Hungarian Language with Languages of Fennic OriginSamuel GyarmathiTranslated, annotated and introduced by Victor E. Henzeli210 AmsterdamPhiladelphiaBenjamins1983215 XLI, 327 p.22 cm.15001UON000979872001 Grammatical Proof of the Affinity of the Hungarian Language with Languages of Fennic OriginSamuel GyarmathiTranslated, annotated and introduced by Victor E. Henzeli210 AmsterdamPhiladelphiaBenjamins1983215 xli, 327 p.22 cm15001UON000485102001 Analytical comparison of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Teutonic languages, shewing the original identity of their grammatical structureFranz Bopp205 newl editedtogether with a bio-bibliographical account of Bopp by J.D. Guignaiauan introduction to Analytical Comparison by F. Techmera letter to Bopp by W. von Humboldtwith a new forezord210 AmsterdamJohn Benjamins1989215 XXXVIII, 68 p.22 cm3001UON002610492001 ˆDie ‰Sprache Europas in systematischer UbersichtLinguistische untersuchungenAugust Schleicher205 New edition with an introductory article by Konrad Koerner210 AmsterdamPhiladelphiaBenjamins1983215 LXXI, 274 p.23 cm.4001UON003357362001 ˆDie ‰sprachen europas in systematischer ubersicht linguistische untersuchungenAugust Schleichernew edition with an introductory article by Konrad Koerner210 AmsterdamPhiladelphiaJohn Benjamins Publishing Company1983215 LXXXI, 274 p.21 cm.4001UON003342612001 Linguistics and evolutionary theorythree essays by August Schleicher, Ernst Haeckel, Wilhelm Bleekedited by Konrad Koerner210 AmsterdamPhiladelphiaJohn Benjamins Publishing Company1983215 XLIV, 78 p.22 cm.6001UON000501062001 Linear order and generative theoryed. by Jutgen M. Meisel & Martin D. Pam210 AmsterdamJohn Benjamins1979215 IX, 512 p.22 cm7001UON002610552001 Introduction to the study of languagea critical survey of the history and methods of comparative philology of Indo-european languagesBerthold Delbruck205 New edition prepared with a foreword and a selected bibliography /by Konrad Koerner210 AmsterdamPhiladelphiaBenjamins1989215 XIII, 148 p.23 cm.8001UON003343862001 ˆThe ‰Lautgesetz-ControversyA documentationTerence H. Wilbur210 AmsterdamJohn Benjamins B.V.1977215 XCV, 248 p.24 cm.9UON00370061Amsterdam classics in linguisticsNLAmsterdamUONL001817KOERNERKonradUONV030700John Benjamins Publishing CompanyUONV256739650ITSOL20250214RICAUON00101423Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science. Series 1. : Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics1767767UNIOR