01236nam a2200265 i 4500991001757399707536060712s2001 fr 000 0 fre d2724702913b13422613-39ule_instDip.to Filologia Class. e Scienze Filosoficheita932Maxfield, Valerie A.564093Survey and excavation :Mons Claudianus :.1987-1993.Volume II,Excavations, part 1. /V. A. Maxfield and D. P. S. Peacock ; with contributions by Jean Bingen, Jean-Michel Carrié, Sean Goddard... [et al.] ; illustrations by Nick Bradford, Sean Goddard, Kathryn Knowles... [et al.]Mons ClaudianusLe Caire :IFAO. Institut français d'archéologie orientale,2001XII, 506 p. ;32 cmFouilles de l'IFAO ;43Scavi archeologiciEgittoMons ClaudianusPeacock, David P. S..b1342261302-04-1412-07-06991001757399707536LE007 932 MAX 01.0112007000106945le007pE0.00-l- 00000.i1426653212-07-06Survey and excavation1097260UNISALENTOle00712-07-06ma -frefr 00