01299nam a2200289 i 450099100149715970753620020507130618.0010926s1996 ||| ||| | eng 0792397193b10228949-39ule_instLE02987193ExLISUFI - Sett. Diritti e Politiche Euromediterraneeita343Slemrod, Joel121080The Taxation of multinational corporations /edited by Joel SlemrodBoston :Kluwer Academic,c1996157 p. :ill. ;25 cm."Parts of the book are reprinted from International tax and public finance, May 1995 and November 1995."Papers presented at a conference held in Washington, DC in March 1994--Introd.Includes bibliographical references and index..b1022894904-10-0627-06-02991001497159707536LE029 343 SLE01.01 CSFI C.11LE029-2887le029-E0.00-no 00000.i1027873427-06-02LE029 343 SLE01.01 CSFI C.22LE029-2888le029-E0.00-no 00000.i1027874627-06-02Taxation of multinational corporations207607UNISALENTOle02901-01-01ma -engxx 42