01327nam a2200313 i 450099100139814970753620020507125337.0010516s1998 ||| ||| | eng 1840144238b10214975-39ule_instLE02985183ExLISUFI - Sett. Diritti e Politiche Euromediterraneeita340Gessner, Volkmar257619Emerging legal certainty :empirical studies on the globalization of law /edited by Volkmar Gessner and Ali Cem BudakAldershot ; Brookfield, Vt :Ashgate,c1998xiv, 456 p. ;22 cm.Oñati international series in law and society"A series published for the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law".Includes bibliographical references and index.Legislazione - Unificazione internazionaleBudak, Ali CemOñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law.b1021497517-02-1727-06-02991001398149707536LE029 340 GES01.011LE029-2503le029-E0.00-no 00000.i1026378027-06-02Emerging legal certainty207849UNISALENTOle02901-01-01ma -engxx 01