01168nam a2200277 a 4500991000335719707536 9780198714965b14456795-39ule_instBibl. Dip.le Aggr. Scienze Giuridiche - Sez. Studi Giuridiciita342Bockenforde, Ernst Wolfgang213322Oxford constitutional theoryConstitutional and political theory : selected writings / Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde ; edited by Mirjam Künkler and Tine SteinOxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2017viii, 429 p. ; 24 cm.V. 1 : Constitutional and political theoryDiritto costituzionaleTeoria dello StatoStein, TineKunkler, Mirjam.b1445679523-05-2223-05-22991000335719707536LE027 342.00 BOC01.01 V. 112027000377565le027pE87.84-l- 00000.i1603004723-05-22Constitutional and political theory1539084UNISALENTOle027 - - ma -enguk 00