01025nlm 2200277Ia 450 99658067240331620240222072947.019840518d1657---- uy |engUKdrcnuEnoch's walk and changeopened in a sermon at Lawrence-Jury in London, Febr. 7th, 1655 at the funeral of the Reverend Mr. Richard Vines, minister of the Gospel there : with a short account of his life and death, with some elegies & c. on his deathby Tho. Jacombe3. ed.LondonPrinted by Sarah Griffin for Abel Roper1657Testo elettronico (PDF) ([8], 60 p.)Base dati testualeRiproduzione dell'originale nella Harvard University Library.FuneraliSermoniBNCF252.1JACOMBE,Thomas1622-1687.1010649ITcbaREICAT996580672403316EBEREnochs walk and change2349576UNISA