01170nlm 2200265Ia 450 99657956940331620240222070648.019840517d1672---- uy |engUKdrcnuTwo letters, one from the States-General to His Most Christian Majesty, the other from His Most Christian Majesty to the States-Generalrelating to the present conjuncture of affairsLondonPrinted for Jonathan Edwin1672Testo elettronico (PDF) (7 p.)Base dati testualeQuesto item appare nel rullo 901:41 identificato come Wing T3471 (numero cancellato in Wing 2nd ed.).Riproduzioni di originali conservati in: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (bobina 901:41) e Harvard University Library (1407:12).Guerra di Olanda <1672-1678>BNCF940.252ITcbaREICAT996579569403316EBERTwo letters, one from the States-General to His Most Christian Majesty, the other from His Most Christian Majesty to the States-General2422637UNISA