01167nlm 2200301Ia 450 99657697270331620240208080001.019850911d1689---- uy |engUKdrcnu<<A>> letter from a dissenter to his friend of the same perswasionbeing a perswasive to a coalition for the better establishment of the Protestant religion in EnglandLondonPrinted for W. Crooke ...1689Testo elettronico (PDF) (4 p.)Base dati testualeTitolo della didascalia"Ristampato"; impresso da pag. 4.Riproduzione dell'originale conservata nella Biblioteca dell'Union Theological Seminary, New YorkFirmato e datato in fine: N.N. ; 5 gennaio 1688RiformatoriStoriaInghilterraBNCF274.1N. NProtestant and declared dissenter from the Church of England.1009937ITcbaREICAT996576972703316EBERLetter from a dissenter to his friend of the same perswasion3879144UNISA