01702nlm 2200241Ia 450 99657317070331620240125134850.019980903d1670---- uy |engUKdrcnu<<A>> true relation of the unjust accusation of certain French gentlemen, (charged with a robbery, of which they were most innocent) and the proceedings upon it, with their tryal and acquittance in the Court of Kings Bench, in Easter term last. Published by Denzell Lord Holles, partly for a further manifestation of their innocency, (of which, as he is informed, many do yet doubt) and partly for his own vindication, in regard of some passages at that tryal, which seemed very strongly to reflect upon himLondonprinted by J. Darby, and are to be sold by Richard Chiswel, at the two Angels & Crown in Little Britain1670Testo elettronico (PDF) ([2], 44 p.)Base dati testualeLadriInghilterraBNCFHOLLES,Denzil HollesBaron,1599-1680.1001819ITcbaREICAT996573170703316EBERTrue relation of the unjust accusation of certain French gentlemen, (charged with a robbery, of which they were most innocent) and the proceedings upon it, with their tryal and acquittance in the Court of Kings Bench, in Easter term last. Published by Denzell Lord Holles, partly for a further manifestation of their innocency, (of which, as he is informed, many do yet doubt) and partly for his own vindication, in regard of some passages at that tryal, which seemed very strongly to reflect upon him3670303UNISA