01064nlm 2200229Ia 450 99653677110331620230706072452.019840412d1652---- uy |engUKdrcnuTimes treasury, or, Academy for gentrylaying downe excellent grounds, both divine and humane, in relation to sexes of both kindes : for their accomplishment in arguments of discourse, habit, fashion and happy progresse in their spirituall conversation : revised, corrected and inlarged with A ladies love-lecture : and a supplement entituled The turtles triumph : summing up all in an exquisite Character of honour /by R. Brathwait, EsqLondonPrinted for Nath. Brooke1652Testo elettronico (PDF) [3], 253 [i.e. 454], 52, [8] p.)Base dati testualeBRATHWAITE,Richard1588?-1673.1001424ITcbaREICAT996536771103316EBERTimes treasury, or, Academy for gentry3393354UNISA